The Loser democrats have turned to Sabotage to anything Trump is trying to accomplish ,no MATTER if its good for JOB growth wages, eliminates poverty,LOWERS TAXES it dosent matter if they dont get elected…thats all that matters .The Cost of Health Care effected yesterday elections and Trump had NOTHING to do with COST of Obamacare .They sabtaged every effort he made to fix it.It dosent matter so long as he gets blamed…
THEY dont care about LOWER TAXES ,THEY dont pay them ANYWAY ! Dont expect a meaningful TAX reduction to take place fact they want HIGHER TAXES because they think redistribution is coming their way .in any case they dont pay TAXES.. That dosent interest them… they are destined for Permanent Poverty ..The Chinese are doing the opposite ! NO HEALTH CARE ,too expensive ,it will puts them at a LABOR COST disadvantage thus they can sell cheap and undercut the US .WE need to elminate Health CARE adds 30 % to the COST adding nothing to service or DR CARE.
I fact DR CARE has gone down since many DR.s have switched to Concierge service meaning if you want to see a DR,you need to pay him a $1400 premium to get in line and those that dont pay go to the end of the line and wait weeks for appointments if at all.and thats not for any special service ..its just to go to the front of the line .The net effect eventually is to only see those that pay the Concierge FEE ,and those that dont need to find another DR..if they can…