DOW futures down almost 1/2% !!!
VIX up 4%
They’ll be jumping out of windows on Wall St. today. 🙂
DOW futures down almost 1/2% !!!
VIX up 4%
They’ll be jumping out of windows on Wall St. today. 🙂
Yesterday a 4th-[in the pst 2 weeks]– Hindenburgh omen was generated yesterday according to the great Robt McHugh
I am not an expert nor a believer [but am agnostic] in the H.O.–so don’t shoot the messenger-he remarks that in a powerful maina-like now-this omen could be overridden–like everything else has.
The H.O. does not just apply to a crash but increases the odds of mini-panics of varying degrees–like a 5%-an 8% or  10)% correction.
Not to worry, Janet will have this all fixed within a couple of hours after the SM opens. 80 DOW points and $5 bucks in gold is nuttin’
I think is risky to short still. It’d be very interesting to see the stock market and bitcoin both go for blowoff tops and do the complete meltdown and that’s where silver has its real chance to go gonzo
Have an end fed wire about 95 feet long fed with coax to a 9:1 antenna balun. The radio is a Kenwood TS-480 SAT. Operate various nets on 80 and 40 meters.
Now that the forest is gone, I spent the day putting pulleys at the top of a couple strategic tall tree stumps, and stringing a longwire antenna up 40 feet in the air thru the back lot. I have a 150 foot dogleg longwire antenna for the shortwave radio now and it works like gangbusters.  Afternoon Hawaii ham net gave me good signal reports from all islands, and for awhile I was hearing an Aussie accent on the 10 meter band. He faded before I could contact him… but the longwire antenna works! I can talk to the world. 🙂