Your B/P esp for a male and age is still a young B/P and pretty good. With the food out there between GMO, pesticides et all and supersizing foods with less nutrients then turning to fat they’re killing people. That’s one thing people need to look at. Yes people should have their own B/P monitor because it isn’t called the silent killer for nothing. Mine has hiked up to 120/70 although perfect range since getting involved in politics behind the scenes from 100/110/ over 60. Always been low including my temperature. I think I need to let politicians go, it will change nothing but your health.
Since the invention of pensions in hospitals is another reason they need high prices and money makers. As more and more retiring more needed. Keep that in mind too.
Yeah read that story about the pony and on that link it showed how they tortured these animals and donkeys too.
We don’t have to wonder how pushing ” diversity” on them is going.
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