Morning Buygold, Hope Your Graph of Up Fridays Comes True Today
Will be looking to add some more SLV puts at a discount.
In reference to your dire prediction last evening, there is a story circulating in some media sources that the King of Saudi will step down very soon (week to 10 days) and turn his Kingdom over to his 32 year old son. The one that just started his ‘anti corruption’ binge. This certainly has the possibility of changing completely the current dynamics of the Middle East. It would sure seem Trump has gained an ally in his fight to subdue the nuclear ambitions and war like rhetoric of both N Korea and Iran. Things could heat up drastically, and with some unimaginable consequences going forward. Should be good for gold, but….??
@ Maya your 23:02 post RE: “It is a worldwide, independent, CASH market for BTC. How the hell can you ‘control’ that? “
Hi Maya,
I have no agenda, I’m just trying to understand. Please allow me to play Devil’s Advocate.
Regarding – “How can they “control’ that? “
Like it or not, today Fiat rules commerce. The bankers control fiat.
Fiat buys Bitcoin (BC). Bankers buy a boatload of BC.
Then, just like with PMs, they have the ability to DUMP a boatload whenever the mood strikes them – driving the price DOWN.
Wash, Rinse, Repeat. Bankers win again.
Watch oil and the USD
They will tell the tale.
Ps one thing to look at is PO has been hit and surpassed on the Dow I just checked lol but again will see.
Copy paste it. That way if he says which I doubt he’ll do he didn’t mean a top in the market we have it down what he said lol Stocks in TA can throw you a curve if only looking at one aspect or indicator including the golden crossovers. Right now we have a rounding top in the Dow but that doesn’t exactly mean anything with this current market and not only have to look at other indicators resistance and driving stocks and how they’re doing.
He usually or his target maybe because so many listened would on key drop but sometimes then rebound then drop later like his 07 prediction that dropped on the day then recovered then dropped in 08. So we’ll see. Just incase I wouldn’t be playing any calls with that target date lol
I wasn’t going to mention it but buygold warning I could see people were curious so thought I’d mention that he’s not alone.
I noticed it continued down till summer of next year with a rebound then down again.
Trump is making mucho deals with various other countries if you listened to his post Asia speech of deals with Japan S Korea et all to either buy multi millions from companies here or bring jobs here so that is bullish for more jobs anyways.
Meanwhile others may go by the wayside like Uber working on a robot car which will eliminate thousands of driver jobs.
The politicians should take notes because it’s always a going concern.
Actually through the years I found that medical was a barometer of how well the economy is doing. It usually starts stagnating prior to a correction. If economy is recovering stocks moving it does better. I think how they invest has something to do with it.
Think it was Richard who mentioned P Schiff. I remember when he warned of housing in homesite though. After though I remener he say next would be treasuries or bonds would be the next bubble. He didn’t mention stocks.
As far as Armstrong he says we are in the private sector cycles as money moving away from Gov and will continue with corrections along the way until 2032.
Excuse any typos I’m tired kinda texting on phone and this is all from memory.
Gold Train
The CN Super Continental cruised thru Hell’s Gate
on the Fraser River canyon.
Thanks Goldi
Ahh… an Armstrong ‘turning point’. We shall see. Sometimes these things are only visible in hindsight…. long after.