Posted by Ororeef
@ 14:37 on November 28, 2017
Posted by Ororeef
@ 14:26 on November 28, 2017
A poll released by Change Research late Monday shows that conservative Republican candidate Roy Moore leads liberal Democrat candidate Doug Jones by five points in the December 12 Alabama U.S. Senate special election, 49 percent to 44 percent.
by Michael Patrick Leahy1076
Posted by Ororeef
@ 14:16 on November 28, 2017
Or maybe one of those unsealed Indictments has:
Attention Mr. Luis Gutierrez!
Probably got caught with his Tamale exposed at a meeting with female staffers …draining the swamp, one scum-bag at a time.
A big fat good riddance to Rep. Luis Gutierrez. He is one really, really strange dude. MAGA! ! !
Little Chihuahua Gutierratass is planning to run for president
His motto will be
How much you want to bet Little Louie has a sexual harassment problem paid off by congress and is trying to get out ahead of it…pun intended.
I have a Dream…No DACAmnesty!!!
Legal American Dreamers
this shiit eater guitierrez is finished,, his slimy dream of destroying the country is over ,,its finished
Luis Gutierrez is such a dirtbag I doubt he will even be able to get a job at the local Taco Bell.
I wouldn’t let him mow my lawn. BTW, I mow my own. I wouldn’t allow any illegal on my property, period!
I hear he settled a case in the House and all of that is coming out. he hopes to keep his name out of the public by bowing out. Expect more such bow outs by leftists. GOOD! Most pervs are leftists we all notice by now.
Hannity tonight took Pelosi and Conyers and the rest apart amazingly. he jam packed clips in it that impressed the hell out of me. Almsot liek a reference video for the current sex scandals facing our nation. If you missed it it is the second from top video on Whatfinger News right now. Definitely a keeper.
The Demoxcratic party is going down now. Let’s sit back and enjoy and hope we can get more of the media to go down with them.
Soon as I saw he was Bailing, I knew as everyone else, the Gut-man has been doing the Weinstein in Congress!
Sex job-deaths will be killing off Democrats like AIDS did in the 1980’s. A few Republicans and a S-Load of Demonrats
Bye Gutierrez !!!
Don’t let the door hit your a$$ on the way out !!!
Must not be uncharitable.
I would love to kick him too !!!
Please give him a good HARD one for me!
Thanks ahead of time!
Posted by ipso facto
@ 14:13 on November 28, 2017
HEY! This is a very exclusive institution! Everyone here is insane in the very same way! 🙂
Posted by ipso facto
@ 14:10 on November 28, 2017
4 or 5 shots of whiskey and you won’t care anymore. 🙂
Posted by Maya
@ 14:10 on November 28, 2017
“We’re all lucky we haven’t been committed!”
(Ahem!) Look around you…
Posted by Buygold
@ 13:55 on November 28, 2017
North Korea fires ballistic missile
Posted by Buygold
@ 13:36 on November 28, 2017
without the rig we’d be north of $10K
I’m curious as to why they’d let Bitcoin get out of hand like it is. I’m not sure who could even afford it at this point.
The whole world has gone nuts.
BTW – you might be right about an underlying bid in gold today, but they are sure fighting it. The battle in silver is over.
Posted by Maddog
@ 13:29 on November 28, 2017
without the scum/Rig, we’d be well north of $1300…well without them we would be well north of Bitcoin…
Posted by Richard640
@ 13:17 on November 28, 2017
the tax cut issue does not matter at all–stocks rallied under high tax and high regulations obama–we are in a new era of “financialization”–the whole world is caught up in this-Kazeckstan–that doesn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of–is issuing bonds–of course, it’s all going to collapse and lead to a 1930s like depression…but until then, the sky’s the limit…
anyone for trading Yak milk futures in Mongolia?
Posted by Maddog
@ 13:03 on November 28, 2017
scum have there hands full, stopping prices rallying….as someone keeps buying.
Posted by Buygold
@ 12:57 on November 28, 2017
the hits keep coming
and the DOW keeps creeping to the sky
Posted by eeos
@ 12:23 on November 28, 2017
that’s an easy answer, BECAUSE THEY CAN DAMMIT! Who’s gonna touch em? They metals are electronically sacked until the whole system blows up, and then it’s too late to care.
Posted by LurkerSince95
@ 12:16 on November 28, 2017
Posted by Buygold
@ 12:13 on November 28, 2017
Insane is pretty much where I am these days
Can anyone tell me why the DOW is up another 150 pts.?
Posted by Ororeef
@ 12:11 on November 28, 2017
Well sometimes it pays to have some debt ..If you have a Reverse mortgage but dont grab all the money and spend can have a shelter by the lender because they put a lien for the maximun of the future loan on the house even though you dont owe it..That makes THEM protect you against lawsuits on the equity in the house . Also if you want to pay down all or part ,you can and the equity remains protected ! hehe make the debt work FOR YOU !
example : if you have a 300,000 house they put a lein of at least 500,000 on the house ,so no body is going to sue for a 300,000 house equity that has a 500,000 lein on it .BUT you can access the money at any time for any reason …Even if your house is fully paid for you become a TARGET by unscrupulous Lawyers ..protect it with a LEIN for more than its worth as long as you live in it . Make the system protect you !
Posted by ipso facto
@ 11:56 on November 28, 2017
LOL We’re all lucky we haven’t been committed!
Posted by aufever
@ 11:50 on November 28, 2017
We must be patient? We are the patients! 🙂 I don’t know how I can keep smiling. It must be painted on. And I am way beyond that definition of insanity. Perhaps ‘infinitely insane’ ….
Posted by overton
@ 11:10 on November 28, 2017
the computer area doesn’t look like I’d put any $$$ in this bit coin operation…………17 mins in for the Chinese BC mine.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 11:02 on November 28, 2017
Roger that. Would be nice to see the PM shares do something.
We must be really patient guys. 🙂
Posted by Buygold
@ 10:56 on November 28, 2017
So did the shares, at least the large caps lead by NEM.
Still sitting on silver and the small caps though.
Even when we turn higher there isn’t any momentum to keep things moving up, $1300 and $17 still big brick walls
Posted by drb2
@ 10:54 on November 28, 2017
Interesting that Bitcoin “is a bubble”, but the DOW is not.
I can only imagine the MSM howls of outrage if PMs did same.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 10:46 on November 28, 2017
Posted by ipso facto
@ 10:39 on November 28, 2017
Too bad Los Azules is in Argentina, even if they are supposedly becoming more mining friendly. If the project was located in Chile it would be valued much higher. JMO
Posted by overton
@ 10:25 on November 28, 2017
passed on this gold bar claim that Fremont picked up recently. Anyhow another want to be royalty company that changed their name. Its the same one where GORO got their Nevada properties. I think Elyhad too many warrants for me in the past.