Posted by Richard640
@ 23:32 on December 31, 2017
The rationalization involved in justifying the timeline. Everything, everything piece of logic has supported a 100% fully controlled stock market (indexes, not stock market). I said there was command and control level programming over the indexes, 4+ years ago. Magically, that continued and continues to be affirmed, in the logic, observational logic, context, and statement like yours (or this writeup) that come up over, and over, on how and/or why the indexes are moving, or have moved, how they have’’’
Yeah, duh, no shit, obviously, outflows have outweighed because the levels are lol-complete-bullshit and the older generation while staying silent, at least know they should be withdrawing on survival level for their grandkid generation (the older generation being generally and historically where the wealth is/lays) The stock market was never moving from inflows. Or hedgies. Or smart money. Or mom and pop. It’s programmed from inner circle globalist order wall st (most likely) and all the logic merely continues to support it even though everyone continues to say “youre a looney moron”. except i continue to be right
Posted by treefrog
@ 21:50 on December 31, 2017
that the calendar can take care of itself. the new year will arrive whether i stay up for it, or if i go to bed early.
happy 2018 to one and all !!!
Posted by ipso facto
@ 21:14 on December 31, 2017
Posted by goldielocks
@ 20:49 on December 31, 2017
Good one and not just democrats but all mainstream career politicians. Long time coming.
Happy New Years all.
Posted by commish
@ 17:56 on December 31, 2017
Posted by goldielocks
@ 13:42 on December 31, 2017
Seems like the physical is doing better than most the stocks so far.Im trying to figure out why. Is it nervous traders?
Posted by commish
@ 11:53 on December 31, 2017
Gold 1184
Silver 15.70
USD 90.26
S&P 2059
Gold 1061
Silver 13.82
USD 98.70
S&P 2044
Gold 1156.40
Silver 15.98
USD 102.88
S&P 2239
Gold 1302.50
Silver 16.91
USD 92.30
S&P 2674
Posted by ipso facto
@ 9:45 on December 31, 2017
Posted by ipso facto
@ 9:35 on December 31, 2017
I traded emails with Moggy a couple of days ago. She is OK, just feeling discouraged about our markets. Hopefully in the New Year no one will feel discouraged about our niche!
Posted by ipso facto
@ 19:15 on December 30, 2017
Maybe the aliens will buy gold. It’s a hot item on Alpha Centauri!
Posted by goldielocks
@ 18:26 on December 30, 2017
Aliens are here especily in sanctuary states.
Posted by goldielocks
@ 18:22 on December 30, 2017
Posted by Buygold
@ 18:22 on December 30, 2017
I’m stunned that there are others besides me that think gold will be above $1600, I’m almost voted as a laugh.
I’ve just as stunned that my fellow travelers think aliens have visited. Not only do I think they’re here, I think they play an active role in our world.
Posted by treefrog
@ 17:36 on December 30, 2017

…if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 16:14 on December 30, 2017
Posted by ipso facto
@ 16:09 on December 30, 2017
Do Extraterrestrials Visit the Earth?
Yes (60%, 26 Votes)
I have no clue (33%, 14 Votes)
No (7%, 3 Votes)
Total Voters: 43
Posted by goldielocks
@ 11:12 on December 30, 2017
I know I found one that made a mean ice cream Sunday when there but you do have to be careful but that’s any food. Poor handling with pork for one example even if your not ordering it. Vegetables and the manure they’re using.
Point is it’s just another way to dream up something about to harass or annoy whites but every time they do it could hurt another group if you start making comparisons. It also shows what idiots they are and I’m waiting for one of these groups to sue them.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 10:14 on December 30, 2017
All those taco trucks are triggering me! I need a safe place! HA HA just kidding. Some of those trucks put out really good food.
Posted by Buygold
@ 10:05 on December 30, 2017
Posted by Buygold
@ 9:19 on December 30, 2017
Posted by Buygold
@ 9:16 on December 30, 2017
That’s an interesting chart. Good to see that series of higher lows. Hope it plays out in the new year.
Posted by Buygold
@ 18:54 on December 29, 2017
Chinese New Year is February 16, 2018. China will refrain from launching new initiatives until after that date. But look out below.
By refusing to issue a waiver, Donald Trump has allowed the House and Senate desire to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol to come to fruition. This is the same House and Senate which had voted to allow lawyers to bleed Saudi Arabia dry for the 911 attacks that were in fact perpetrated by Israel with the aid of both the Republican and Democratic party leadership.
To balance out his insult to 1.5 billion Muslims, Trump has asked the Saudis to lift their siege on Yemen for humanitarian reasons. People are dying from starvation, cholera and diphtheria.
China has already outlined a transition from the US dollar to the SDR (the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights) as our international reserve currency. The SDR goal is to replace the dollar with a basket of currencies. Eventually, the US might have to issue a domestic dollar for the impoverished citizens of the USA which they could use only at a steep discount to buy gold or SDRs to pay for imports.
The Chinese have their own international money transfer system to replace America’s SWIFT. It is called CIPS (Cross-Border Interbank Payment System.)
Posted by Ororeef
@ 18:51 on December 29, 2017
Posted by goldielocks
@ 17:58 on December 29, 2017
Had to log out before finished. Someone should let all those students in on a little secret. LA is full of street vendors. From produce carts to food trucks. Many are illegal, un permitted and void of any health checks and they’re not white. What would he call that. Normalization of Latin culture? However no one has complained until now.
Posted by Buygold
@ 16:17 on December 29, 2017
that Russian tankers supplied North Korea with fuel – not China.
The Neocons never stop pushing for war, ever.
Let’s not forget that Reuters is owned by our masters the Rothschilds