The RINOs and the others are all subservient to global governmental organizations, who are probably subservient to big global corporations. To make the USA “right” again, would go against everything they accomplished.
Avoiding US labor and taxes for one, and getting benefit or profits from mathematically cheaper labor when US dollars are converted to other currencies.
They also made sure that USA had a 35% tax on corporations, and 20% tax in other countries, so as to prod US corporations to go bankrupt or move off shore.
The BIGGEST income tax is when American people and US businesses buy from overseas. Over my lifetime I’ve seen the system adjust to many price distortions. High rates to 20%, high Oil to $145, stock market and real estate crashes etc etc etc.
On a practical view, regarding it’s already a centrally planned economy, the US economy has to suffer one more SHOCK, of a standard livable and taxable wage of about $25 per hour to put the system in balance.
Its that simple. Will it happen? Probably not, but that’s what needs to be done, and suffer the “withdrawal symptoms” for a better future. Like quitting a heroin habit.