If they gave me $500,000 which is the value of what I paid in both as Employee and employer then I would give up any Governments payments to myself and keep their hands off my money .
BUT thats NOT what the Politicians mean by privatizing ,if they did that in the beginning and forced you to pay 13 % of earning into a private Insurance ANNUITY that would have worked !
BUTTT thats not going to happen NOW ! its too late …TOO many free loaders with VOTES ..Privatizing now means privatizing the rates (free to rise” )based on coming inflation and capping the benefits to share the misery.The Devil is in the details ..they are word processors (LIErs).
THATS how the Communists do it . Thats why the poor always vote the wrong way….they always vote to “SHARE “what you have ,not the work or the cost . Marx said “work according to ability ,receive according to need” ,The problem with that is nobody works according to ability when your not going to receive any more than the next guy. Everythings drops to the lowest productive level of the slowest worker possible.Why work HARDER ?