Be carefull what you ask for ! Privatizing can also mean raising payroll TAX rates ,same thing with Privatizing medicare ..they will raise the rates on what you pay based on the coming inflation rates without controlling Hospital & DR.Payments . At least medicare puts a CAP on what they charge ,thats why I chose plan F as a supplement because I dont pay any out of pocket costs .Its when you choose other plans that nickel & dime you into thinking your payin less ..THATS only if you DONT USE it…Just look at those that dont have a suppliment or a partial suppliment their 20 % portion is …NOT …based on what Medicare charges ..its based on the Full Retail Bill .If you were charged 20 % of what medicare pays that would be different ,but thats NOT the case.. They argue thats because when the suppliment company pays the BILL its NEGOTIATED RATE,when YOU pay the SUpppliment bill its at FULL RETAIL RATE.. I want a CAP on what I PAY ..You dont want to privatize at the start of a INFLATION CYCLE ….thats when you want the full force of GOVERNMENT to fix rates …Its the MAJOR Corporations pushing to privatize because they are way ahead of you in their calculation of whats coming….YOU wont realize whats happening until after its done,then its too late.
They can bribe politicians to privatize ,you cant.. example BLUE CROSS of VA used to pay out 95% of what the billed in benefits and used the 5% to run the whole business ..its called the pay out ratio they pay out about 70 % in benefits and keep 30 % themselves .THATS what privatization does where they have a shared monopoly ..there is no competition..They just carve up the territory.