Money hunters and ” the club” is one of the main reasons Bitcoin came about. After the crash of 08 people seeing their money disappear always in the hands of another be stocks and their mm’s or banks people wanted another way, out of their reach. The club always rigs things in their favor at the expense of everyone else or the real ” earned” money. It’s all a game how to rip real money off. Then what happens after the crash? Money hunting on steroids. Going after any safe havens everywhere. No longer was Swiss bank accounts a safe haven. Further they started to restrict money flow globally except for part of the club, the multinationals. With Bitcoin you can move with your money without someone threatening to take it from you or rummaging through your bags. If your in the boon docks without a bank Bitcoin can be your bank. This can help people in third world country’s and also be a safe haven from federalizations of foreign money in banks or their currency inflated or worse disappearing. They can trade it for other currencies as well without having to trade their own that’s failing.
For that reason cyrptocurrency will be around for a long time.
The only way any banks can compete and then not compete is make their own totally because Gov can hack your bank if they say well your house is worth more so you have to pay more taxes so we’ll just take it out without asking.
The only way at they can try to compete is loosen those global regulations and have a global bank account where people can go and move money anywhere void of fractional banking or manipulation of its value. They won’t do that though so they can never compete. Also they can be hacked easier. They will continue to chase it because they haven’t learned and never will. No honor amongst thieves.
Richard 10:01
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