Looks like you have a new addition to Christmas. And they get Grandma and Grandpa too. Nice to enjoy the kids while stress free of sneaking out those gifts in the middle of the night. I remember one year I had to work 30 days straight plus double shifts up to Christmas day I traded with someone with grown kids for New Years because they cut our registry costs. I said you know I’m goona say santa was too busy this year to wrap presents and I just put what wasn’t wrapped yet under the tree. Do you even remember for most part who it came from?
Buygold I’m sure the fed will be there claiming inflation to any wage increases I’m sure they will include lower taxes. Gold may rise on that and made the bad guy while theyre at it instead of them. That’s one thing I didn’t like by those drilling the Fed on gold prices when it was moving up because what would they do and did, drive it down not that it changed anything about the economy.
Meanwhile you got the brainwashed in Demo states complaining about giving the rich tax breaks. BUT they never look at the fact they are the highest taxed states hurting the poor and middle class the most while their crooked Demo politicians dupe them they give themselves and their cronies pay raises and divert funds to illegals including lawyers to fight deportation. They need to look in their own backyard. Taxing the rich isn’t going to save them from these crooks when they pay their bills and higher gas prices or them taxing how many miles they drove next.