The Republican Party and its clown-in-chief exhibit the late stage dementia of an old age home. Always trying to go back to the “good old days” that they destroyed with Supply Side Ponzinomics.
In other words, their brains are as shriveled as their conscience, so they have no clue what’s coming…
But don’t take my word for it, just ask Pat Buchanan:
In other words, their brains are as shriveled as their conscience, so they have no clue what’s coming…
But don’t take my word for it, just ask Pat Buchanan:
That is the last point upon which we both agree…
“By enacting the largest tax cut since the Reagan administration, the heart of which is cutting the corporate rate from 35 to 21 percent, Republicans have boldly bet the farm.”
Democrats, as the Party of Government, egalitarian and neo-socialist, have come to see their role as redistributing wealth from those who have too much — to those who have too little. For, as men (and women) are born unequal in ambition, ability, talent, energy, personality and drive, free markets must inevitably produce an inequality of results.”
Republicans see themselves as the party of free enterprise, of the private not the public sector. They believe that alleviating the burden of regulation and taxation on business will unleash that sector, growing the economy and producing broader prosperity“.
Where to begin. Let’s begin by realizing that Buchanan’s party of “free enterprise and broad prosperity” created the 2008 global financial crisis and subsequent Wall Street bailout. Leading up to that crash, Bush’s 2001 tax cut for the ultra-wealthy drove the non-war time deficit to record wide levels. The tax cut was all borrowed money, so there was no buffer left for recession. In addition, between 2000 and 2012, 17 U.S. factories per day were offshored as Bush-Cheney took post-911 corporate Shock Doctrine to level ’11’. During the ensuing crash, tens of millions of Americans were wiped out financially. Which led to human history’s largest printed money experiment, measuring in the tens of trillions of dollars. And a doubling in the U.S. debt. The fake wealth of the .01% soared at the expense of everyone else.
Around here, one bad idea leads to an even worse one. So now, they’re back at the same formula all over again. Only this time there will be no bailout, and corporate debt levels are already at record high levels. The entire “recovery” since 2008 was borrowed money used for stock buybacks: