OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Maddog, Maya

Posted by Buygold @ 16:14 on December 8, 2017  

Not sure I agree that draining the swamp will do it unless that means destroying the Fed and their minions Goldman, JPM, the Rothschilds etc.

You could be right if draining the swamp meant getting rid of the Clinton/Obama machine but that to me means an overthrow of the US govt., which would be a crisis. Hard for me to see that given Trumps swampish staff and his administrations undying support of our masters, Israel. Regardless, it has to involve a change to the monetary system, not only in the US but around the globe.

I haven’t seen any indication that China, Russia are willing to give up their Rothschild controlled fiat printing presses, do you?

Maya – good points. I guess we’ll find out what effect, if any, the Bitcoin futures have when they start trading Sunday night. I still believe the scum invented and controls Bitcoin otherwise it would be long gone.



Posted by goldielocks @ 16:11 on December 8, 2017  

I know or at least grasp it pretty good. They do have a bitcoin stock that follows it and has went parabolic. I’ve posted it before.
I expected a retreat further with gold stocks when it breached support the other day.why I said it wasn’t good the other day but not shorting like a fool been shopping. I don’t like predicting with other people money on things.
I got one of my grandkids a drone I bought on line on blank Friday picked it up pretty cool. It has a head set so you can see what it sees through the camera. I was thinking might be good to have around like all the fires in southern Cal now reaching San Diego. Sadly killed a bunch of horses up where I used to live as fireman didn’t let them get them out of the barns. Knowing me I could of anyway.
The drone you could take it up check out the area. Be good for checking out traffic or what’s ahead too I’m a disaster. Be good for hunting too but the wildlife already have a disadvantage with high powered weapons and hunting cams now.

Lastly (and then I’ll shut up)

Posted by Buygold @ 15:59 on December 8, 2017  

A few stocks that really haven’t been subject to selling during this drubbing – WPM, NEM, BTG, KL, RGLD and GOLD

Would it be wise to sell everything else in the depleted portfolio and buy these or will the beaten up stepchildren rally hard into the New Year?

Advice is most welcome


Posted by Maddog @ 15:55 on December 8, 2017  

Disaster is not the only way out, cleaning the swamp will unveil the mess and slowly that change is happening.

The Tea party is the start, the Donald despite all his contradictions is a huge part, but the movement grinds on and Moore will be another big step…..change is afoot and only cancelling democracy will stop it.

WOW – COT Report

Posted by Buygold @ 15:49 on December 8, 2017  

This is what I thought we’d see for the last several weeks. Not sure I’ve ever seen the scum banksters cover so many shorts in silver…

Now, despite my hysteria, I realize it doesn’t mean a G-Damn thing….


eeos – yes

Posted by Buygold @ 15:39 on December 8, 2017  

with an endless money supply at your fingertips I also see no reason that this can’t go on forever or until there is a Zimbabwe/Venezuela style event that takes place in the U.S. – that doesn’t seem to be in the cards anytime soon, nor does the BRICS somehow backing their currencies with gold.

Pretty depressing picture to be looking for a catastrophe to save our investments, unfortunately methinks that’s what it will take. Gold and silver are the only real enemies of the financial system.

goldielocks @ 16:11 on December 7 – Bitcoin Futures

Posted by Maya @ 14:58 on December 8, 2017  

No Goldi, they haven’t borrowed MY bitcoin!  I know the Winklevoss twins have a large pot of them and wanted to found some financial ETF based on their holdings, but were denied at first.  Things may have changed, I dunno.

But I DO know that Bitcoin trading is non-centralized so no single exchange can control the price with the tail (futures) wagging the dog (BTC).  So the futures will FOLLOW the fundamental BTC price worldwide, not CONTROL it, like the rig does with gold prices.  The only way to influence the fundamental price of BTC is with massive buy or sell of the actual BTC as delivered.  It is impossible to ‘naked short’ BTC if you don’t have them in-hand.  And they cannot be ‘borrowed’ like stocks (that you really don’t own, as they are held by the DTC).

I see the BTC futures being a massive problem for the sponsoring banks, due to the extreme volatility.  They will get whipsawed and whacked, and have to cough up the dollars for their losses.  The futures will be trading Dollar-equivalents… not actual BTC.  Much like paper gold… you will not get delivery.

Imo? They Don’t Even Need The Printing Press

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:36 on December 8, 2017  

The Stock Market has been adding to the money supply. But its not getting spent, just letting profits run in each account. Besides that, who needs anything to buy? The gov’t spending tax receipts on infrastructure etc, is adding someone else’s money to the system.

They really need to get money into the hands of high school graduates. They have nothing but need and want everything, but chum change salary keeps them living home with parents.

wait they have the printing press with endless fiat pumping

Posted by eeos @ 14:03 on December 8, 2017  

so until it dies, the markets can be pushed ANY direction. Period. So claims that it can’t be manipulated are wrong

“It’s A Club, And We Ain’t In It”

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:31 on December 8, 2017  

I heard them talking infrastructure spending, roads bridges airports etc maybe $200 bill Federal, that would convert to $800 bill re states.  Are we seeing WPA again?? Normally prosperity and more taxes coming in would finance that.

Are we having prosperity? Or has the country been in a depression (yes) and they are trying to stimulate out of it like 1934. When they confiscated Gold at $20 and made it $34, a 70% devaluation to get prices mathematically higher.

Then, they increased money supply or loans, (1934) for roads, dams, war II preparation etc. After the next war??




Posted by Maddog @ 11:41 on December 8, 2017  

the Rigging started in 1987 and has only gotten worse…..under Greenspan to begin with it was occasional, probably when it was a good idea, but then it became more frequent, such as during the 1st Gulf war, when the SM stabalised and Gold and oil fell !!!! The reverse of what one would expect…..that was explained, as were subsequent interventions, as the mkts ‘seeing through’ the news…yeah sure.

Greenspan then became besotted by watching the mkts do as he wanted in his speeches, hence the Greenspan is God idea…puke !!!

Ben carried on in the same vane, but Janet has taken it way up, to virtualy 24/7 intervention, she has been able to do this tks to Algo’s doing the work…they never sleep.

We are now no longer anywhere near real mkts, so now whan Fat Boy lobs an ICBM over Japan. within 30 mins the SM has not only recovered all losses, it is flying into record hi’s !!!!!!!

Has anyone heard from Moggy?

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:50 on December 8, 2017  

Yo Moggy give us a shoutout. I hope all is well.


Posted by ipso facto @ 10:34 on December 8, 2017  


Elliot – Best guess

Posted by Buygold @ 10:31 on December 8, 2017  

I agree with Maddog that nothing really matters other than the rig-both in the SM and PM’s

What has been consistent is that pm’s have sold off into a Fed Rate hike which I expect we’ll get next week, so probably get another bout of selling right after the hike and then stabilize and maybe move higher into January.

Nonetheless, I don’t see any big move up in pm’s unless there is a major event, but even then “event” rallies don’t stick.

I’m at the point where we’re going to need to see a collapse in the USD, end of the petrodollar something of that magnitude.

-9:10am–jnug up 8 cents in the pre-mkt.— gold down 3.50–the PM market is so damaged that we have to consider this some kind of great, bullish news…pathetic!

Posted by Richard640 @ 9:14 on December 8, 2017  

Winedoc – I meant to post this a couple of days ago , but got busy

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 9:08 on December 8, 2017  

Re: the great Halifax explosion : My mother’s birth records were destroyed in that blast . Later in life she had to get a court order to certify her claimed birthdate and citizenship in order to obtain a passport , etc.

Elliott…Welcome to the Tent

Posted by Maddog @ 8:41 on December 8, 2017  

There are No reasons/Fundementals or TA, only the Rig.

The mkts move the same way on EVERY set of numbers…the odds on that happening are beyond calculation.

Numbers out

Posted by Maddog @ 8:37 on December 8, 2017  

so time to Pump Dollar and SM and dump PM’s

same’ol, same’ol.

This beyond bizarre, now flat out criminal…….who gave the Fed permission to Rig all major mkts 24/7…

let’s check the Rig

Posted by Maddog @ 8:07 on December 8, 2017  

Sm up….Check

Dollar up…Check

Pm’s down…Check.

Ready to sell shit out of any PM strength on the No’s…..Check.

Be careful with Facebook

Posted by eeos @ 7:29 on December 8, 2017  

They say that basically everything they know about people is b/c of FB. They’re mining ALL the data behind the scenes. I think they even have programs that are looking at the biometrics of people’s faces, kids too! Every photo from a smart phone. Where you shop, where you drive, how much time you spend in certain stores. The ages of your kids. What kind of cars you drive, what cars are in your driveway. If you own or rent. All your credit history. I thought Obamacare was the biggest grab but I was wrong, it’s FB. I still post to it and enjoy it regardless. But lookout.
Good morning Winedoc!

Coffee Time

Posted by winedoc @ 6:35 on December 8, 2017  

Well,  Hey Cannucks  !!

We are trying to hang on to 3.7%  gain for the year …….. gold in CDN.

For patient “longs”  the 15 yr chart still looks promising, for all the griping we do ……

On the other hand,  silver is down 5.9% for the year and its longer term chart ain’t so pretty …….  so  thats worth some bitching  🙂


Onward Pilgrims


Ororeef 21:57

Posted by goldielocks @ 2:08 on December 8, 2017  

I didn’t see that one. That could work if they paid off anyone over 50 let them put it into a annuity and other sources and privatized the rest rolling over any contributions they already have. Have to be careful in what annuities as far as fees and they would need a life time annuity. Also one that has a life insurance clause esp for the young for their family and at least pays survivors as well as any money you haven’t used if you haven’t got that much back. We can’t depend on these bozos in congress to do it though we need some financial experts. They will also have to mandate some plans because there will be idiots who draw it all out at once lose it and then will need welfare or disability.

@ Buygold RE: your 21:13 post

Posted by drb2 @ 22:09 on December 7, 2017  

Thanks for that post – My sentiments ….EXACTLY!



Posted by goldielocks @ 22:00 on December 7, 2017  

Wow It would really have to be scrutinized to avoid these problems.
As far as costs you have on one side charging way too much on the other Medicare cuts are resulting in people coming in are unable to find a good doctor who takes it. Your right if they don’t have a supplemental they will be charged more. Even if you have a good supplemental or PPO they don’t because they know people can drop it if they can no longer afford it. That problem will become worse if they start making cuts.

“Depends on how you define Privatizing”

Posted by Ororeef @ 21:57 on December 7, 2017  

If they gave me $500,000 which is the value of what I paid in both as Employee and employer then I would give up any Governments payments to myself and keep their hands off my money .

BUT thats NOT what the Politicians mean by privatizing ,if they did that in the beginning and forced you to pay 13 % of earning into a private Insurance ANNUITY that would have worked !

BUTTT thats not going to happen NOW ! its too late …TOO many free loaders with VOTES ..Privatizing now means privatizing the rates (free to rise” )based on coming inflation and capping the benefits to share the misery.The Devil is in the details ..they are word processors (LIErs).

THATS how the Communists do it .  Thats why the poor always vote the wrong way….they always vote to “SHARE “what you have ,not the work or the cost .  Marx said “work according to ability ,receive according to need” ,The problem with that is nobody works according to ability when your not going to receive any more than the next guy. Everythings drops to the lowest productive level  of the slowest worker possible.Why work HARDER ?

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.