OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Buygold @ 23:09

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 9:12 on December 1, 2017  

The RINOs and the others are all subservient to global governmental organizations, who are probably subservient to big global corporations. To make the USA “right” again, would go against everything they accomplished.

Avoiding US labor and taxes for one, and getting benefit or profits from mathematically cheaper labor when US dollars are converted to other currencies.

They also made sure that USA had a 35% tax on corporations, and 20% tax in other countries, so as to prod US corporations to go bankrupt or move off shore.

The BIGGEST income tax is when American people and US businesses buy from overseas. Over my lifetime I’ve seen the system adjust to many price distortions. High rates to 20%, high Oil to $145, stock market and real estate crashes etc etc etc.

On a practical view, regarding it’s already a centrally planned economy, the US economy has to suffer one more SHOCK, of a standard livable and taxable wage of about $25 per hour to put the system in balance.

Its that simple. Will it happen? Probably not, but that’s what needs to be done, and suffer the “withdrawal symptoms” for a better future. Like quitting a heroin habit.

Dirty Rotten SOB Banksters

Posted by Farmboy @ 9:04 on December 1, 2017  


Looks like another fun-filled day

Posted by Buygold @ 9:00 on December 1, 2017  

Just heard a guy on CNBS saying gold holders should be worried because Bitcoin is a new asset class that a new generation of investors believe in.

He was a millennial.

Morning Maya, Goldie

Posted by Buygold @ 8:53 on December 1, 2017  

Maya – not sure if McScream is a goldbug, globalist more likely. That Farmboy character is a tough one to pin down, he makes nasty coffee anyway.

Goldie – I blame the Establishment Republicans 100% for not stopping Obama, and now they can’t get Trump’s agenda through? These guys are complete bought and paid for frauds. After Moore gets elected in Alabama there’s going to be a whole bunch of RINO’s that are going to get primaried.

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 3:28 on December 1, 2017  


The CP Holiday Train stops for customs inspection at the border.
I wonder if they stop Santa, too?


Buygold @ 18:43

Posted by Maya @ 3:24 on December 1, 2017  

“Maybe that’s just the diseased brain of a tired goldbug.”

For a moment there, I thought you were talking about McCain.

I realize that you may not be the best at making coffee around here, so could you at least rustle up that Farmboy to pitch in…. if he wants to drink any.  My niece is visiting for a couple weeks & we’re playing tourist.  I’m taking a vacation from my retirement… so my presence here will be highly intermittent.



Sanctuary state Calif just showed they have to rule of law and will willfully indanger citizens with their catch and release.

Posted by goldielocks @ 2:25 on December 1, 2017  

That there is no sanctuary for American citizens. The illegal criminal who was deported over and over even after numerous felonies that would put a citizen in prison set free from Calif jail without turning him over to ICE to deport ” again” was just acquitted of murder of Kate Steinly shot in the back in SF on our tax dollars. But congress worried about debt. His defender argues it was a accident because he stepped on the gun despite witness seeing him holding and twirling the gun when it went off. I hear people saying they know guns and it takes some pull to shoot the gun and stepping on it isn’t gonna do it. They lied said it was trigger happy. Where was the DA and forensics to show that lie. On top of that no one mentioned who knows guns, well so do I reluctantly where was forensics to show how could a gun lying on the ground discharged in a horizontal position on the ground shoot someone in the back. Where were the powder residues on the ground or his feet?


Posted by goldielocks @ 2:03 on December 1, 2017  

Exactly, why do they suddenly care about the deficit when they did nothing to stop Obama for 8 years including money he gave away to the Mid East to fund terrorists or all the tax dependent jobs expanding gov debt.
They only know how to spend and are clueless with budgets just keep taxing more to pay for it.
If they are worried about the deficit why don’t they rein in those jobs. Airlines can pay for their own security. They can let go those 10 thousand IRS workers they hired to monitor Obama care and mandatory penalties since they’re getting rid of mandatory. Their answer to debt is to tax and further detriment this country.

Bit Coin NOT investment ADvice ….,just infomation

Posted by Ororeef @ 1:20 on December 1, 2017  


ETHereum inventer Buterick that skinny Russian /Canadian Guy(NOT ADVICE) just INFOrmation

Posted by Ororeef @ 1:11 on December 1, 2017  


1 month Chart of bit Coin Gold ..This not investment advice ..just info due your own DDiligence

Posted by Ororeef @ 0:03 on December 1, 2017  


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.