COT Report was interesting, at least in silver. Don’t ever remember the funds being so heavy on the short side
Holiday Train
Happy Holidays!
Poll Results … Lots of support for President Trump
President Trump is
Doing a good job (38%, 19 Votes)
Doing a great job (30%, 15 Votes)
Doing a fair job (18%, 9 Votes)
Doing a poor job (10%, 5 Votes)
Doing a terrible job (4%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 50
Buygold @ 18:33
Seems like the tax loss sellers are mostly done. Thank God for that! The next few market days WILL be interesting.
Looks like a good buying opp for First Majestic.
Ipso, Maddog
Not sure what will happen next week in thin trading for pm’s, I guess if anyone wants to get out that will be the time.
I might change my conspiracy theory about the AG downgrade – maybe BMO downgraded to give themselves and their big clients a chance to get cheap shares? I’m holding because I’m hopeful the next month or so will be really good for pm’s.
Just glad not to see a huge selloff like it seems we’ve seen in the last several years in the pm’s, although I’m too lazy to go back and see what happened last year. 🙂
Buygold and Maddog
“No coal in the stocking”
Whoo Hoo! The worm has turned!
Knock on wood.
Not sure what any of it means but other than AG this was the first Christmas I awhile where us goldbugs didn’t get a lump of coal in the stocking
Fingers etc crossed…but yes we may have some resilience here.
Cheers and have a great one.
Jim Kunstler’s 2017 Year In Review
2017 was the kind of year when no amount of showers could wash off the feeling of existential yeccchhhhh that crept over you day after day like jungle rot. You needed to go through the carwash without your car… or maybe an acid bath would get the stink off. Cinematically, if 2016 was like The Eggplant That Ate Chicago, then 2017 was more like Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, a gruesome glimpse into the twisted soul of America. And by that I do not mean simply our dear leader, the Golden Golem of Greatness. We’re all in this horror show together.
2017 kicked off with the report by “seventeen intelligence agencies” — did you know there were so many professional snoops and busybodies on the US payroll? — declaring that Russia, and Vladimir Putin personally, tried to influence the 2016 presidential election. “Meddling” and “collusion” became the watch-words of the year: but what exactly did they mean? Buying $100,000 worth of Google ads in a campaign that the two parties spent billions on? No doubt the “seventeen intelligence agencies” the US pays for were not alert to these shenanigans until the damage was done. Since then it’s been Russia-Russia-Russia 24/7 on the news wires. A few pleas bargains have been made to lever-up the action. When and if the Special Prosecutor, Mr. Mueller, pounces, I expect the GGG to fire him, pardon some of the plea-bargained culprits (if that’s what they were and not just patsies), and incite a constitutional crisis. Won’t that be fun?
Maddog – no clue
but Bitcoin is coming back with a vengeance now only down 8%
Not sure what any of it means but other than AG this was the first Christmas I awhile where us goldbugs didn’t get a lump of coal in the stocking
Volatility… Bitcoin is thy name.
Buygold had a good feeling in his cold bones… bitcoin crashes & Gold+Silver pops nicely today. Yeah, those BTC futures are whipsawing, popping circuit breakers, and overloading trading exchanges.  I remain skeptical of a large crash yet as BTC shows a lot of resilience. After this hockey stick rise, a dramatic appearing correction is to be expected. Still holding my spare change.
No global warming in sight yet, Buygold. After our dramatic winter storm of the past few days, this morning we have clear and COLD northern air that allows great views of our snow capped mountains. This is the webcam view from the Mauna Loa atmospheric observatory at around 8,000 ft, looking north across the saddle between the mountains at Mauna Kea. The mountain top is 13,796 Ft. We have a white Christmas!
Re bitcoin
A few stained pants buying into close ???????
Samb–what u say is true–AS I have said many times: gold bottoms are extremely difficult to catch AND HOLD ON TO!!
It’s this kind of ragged and tentative action that keeps the majority off the train–I am holding my positions I put on this month…
Bitcoin coming back
Above $14K now, down less than 10%
Moriarty may be premature on his crash call.
Mr Copper
Wash yr mouth out with acid…….Government Sucks only ever screw people…if they say buy, it is purely so they can sell etc.
Ronald Reagan 1981-1989 The Acceleration Of Globalization
The awful eighties they were called in my newsletter. The Reagan Defense Buildup. To boost the economy they accelerated tax right offs from 10 years to 5 years to make businesses invest in production machinery.
All the businesses purchased foreign built machinery. Just like the MWO wanted. I warned them. Later on all 4 of my customers, machinery builders, all closed down. Beware the gift. We always get what we try to resist.
trump just signed the tax cut into law.
the last president to sign a major tax cut was ronald reagan. when reagan subsequently ran for re-election, mondale carried minnesota (his home state) and d.c. reagan took the rest. this strongly suggests that american voters really like the concept of paying less taxes.
not a single democrat in the house or senate voted to let americans keep more of what they earn. did the party of the jackass just shoot themselves in the ass again?
Re Gold Long Term, We Had a Capitulation low In Dec 2015 @ $1,050
It has been posted that Goldman Sachs recently announced a “buy to cover” to take profits on their long term “short gold” profits, on the recent Gold Lows around $1,240.
My view, NOTHING IS A COINCIDENCE. They must have made that same “buy to cover” play on the prior lows of…
12/12/15 @ $1,060, plus 6% =
12/12/16 @ $1,130, Plus 10% =
12/12 17 @ $1,240 Above $1,060 = 17% above dead low.
Do any of you remember the 17% average APY gold for 12 years in a row?
Gold Chart Long Term:
Re Ag shares….just the Rig at work..look at Nem as well, up 0.6 % exact same as Au…shud be up 3 % + min.
Still at least Au is eating into heavy overhead resi….