Did we back the wrong pony? 🙂
Unhinged – Part 2: Stockman Slams The War Party’s Desperate Assault On “America First”
In that respect there are few grand poobahs of the War Party who better embody the arrogant pretensions of the American Imperium than the odious president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Hass. According to the latter, the trouble with Trump after one year in office is that he still doesn’t get it; he’s turned his back on the core predicate that animates the Imperial City:
“Trump is the first post-WWII president to view the burdens of world leadership as outweighing the benefits. The United States has changed from the principal preserver of order to a principal disrupter.”
Exactly what hay wagon does he think we fell off from?
How did the war on Vietnam, the First Gulf War to save the Emir of Kuwait’s oil wealth, the futile 17-year occupation of Afghanistan, the destruction of Iraq, the double-cross of Khadafy after he gave up his nukes, the obliteration of much of civil society and economic life in Syria, the US-supplied Saudi genocide in Yemen and the Washington sponsored coup and civil war on Russia’s doorstep in Ukraine, to name just a few instances of Washington’s putative “world leadership”, have anything to do with preserving “order” on the planet?
And exactly how did the “benefits” of these serial instigations of mayhem outweigh the “burdens” to America’s taxpayers—to say nothing of the terminal costs to the dead and maimed citizens in their millions who had the misfortune to be domiciled in these traumatized lands?
Likewise, have the refugees who have been flushed out of Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq and elsewhere in the middle east by Washington’s wars done anything for the peace and stability of Europe, where Washington’s victims have desperately fled in their millions?
Morning eeos
I’d like to see that pump and dump reversed for a few years.
This is so old they need to invent a new word for “old”
Morning Buygold
Seems $ 1320 is a no no to the scum….funny how the SM never corrects, yet that is considered normal.
Watching long term rates…can they keep that Bubble afloat, while the mkt is record long.
think of it as a pump in dump buygold
it’s a two for one special. Goose the general SM and cage G and S.
and here comes the dump
because what else is normal after a jobs report whether good or bad?
USD strengthening
Remember that little spike above 1320 and 17.25 yesterday? Neither do I.
Jobs report miss
+ 148K vs. expectations of 180K
SM dropped initially then snapped right back
PM’s and USD flat – looks like a normal day
Notable – lowest black unemployment rate in history 6.8%
You don’t think we know that since WW1 and 11. We’re so tired of the BS. They need to stop funding all these countries too. We’re supposed to help one then get another pissed off. I’ve seen the PT sad although shuttle of WW11. Even a great uncle who did both 1, 11 suffering from the gas. A friend who left me a jacket from Vietnam that said When I die I’ll go to heaven because I’ve already went to hell. Another who had eight Purple Hearts after three tours. Another who was in Tet and I think his life expectancy was averaged to three days. Another B 52 bomber who didn’t come back and left a wife and kids behind. Another who did three tours with ptsd and taught my youngest daughter to be quite a marksman. Another a crew chief. Most had ptst in some form. You don’t think they figured it out?
Then the sons in Mid East. But hey it’s white privledge and brown and black in the jungle. Now they want to bring them and their terrorist here. For what? Target practice for the next generation? When the children comes out of all this BS I hope they come out with a superiority complex not the apologetic one they’re trying to pull. Less they wanna do it all. Be my guest so We don’t have to worry about our grandsons and daughters next.