“Why are “WE” having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said.
The most significant part of that statement? He asked a question, that nobody would or could answer. And he’s RIGHT THERE!!! The President, like us, in the Whitehouse.
Same as the Fast and Furious guns shipped into Mexico by USA, scandal. Nobody could or would say who ordered it. And many many other things, like the manipulations of everything. Finding out the answers, of “who” and we would find out who is REALLY controlling the media and everything else.
Lets face it. “WE” isn’t really us. “We” didn’t want WW II Korea or Vietnam. “We” didn’t want Obama either. “We” didn’t want to import people and export jobs. A secrete mysterious “Somebody” or rather a “Group” behind the scenes, most likely huge global special interests.