Re:Nothing is a coincidence. They gave trump massive media coverage to get him elected too. They gave Hillary massive bad coverage.
It was really easy to misunderstand. All channels but Fox gave Trunp bad coverage. They tried to prop up Killery and ignored all her say misgivings including the deleting of emails, destroying phones and hard drives. They weren’t even listening to what Trump had to say which reflected on the people’s concerns instead of a agenda that didn’t include them. They were a matter of fact in your face about it including Hillary until now. Their anger toward him is also towards us so out comes the name calling cuz that’s all they have and just a example of their lack of respect for this country or its people like they are just commodities and pawns. Feel the hate. If this were the 1800s or early 1900 some might of been hung for treason or at least out of office and on trial for being a communist along with the bankers they hung then.
As far as what shit hold people came from in the 1800s better question is what have some countries does to improve theirs since then especially given the population explosion thanks to modern medicine and now starvation, joblessness, poverty and threats of extinction of wildlife. Most of these countries were around before we came along and some even before Europe.