Immigration has been on and off hold or with certain large groups coming in on and off since it started. I forget what program that allowed South Americans to go back and forth up to the 60 s then stopped, but soon as they stopped stated the mass illegal immigration. Border patrol was pretty lax even in the 80 s the last time I crossed via car anyways. Last time I went by boat there were machine guns everywhere. They were pretty nice though, probably protecting the tourist business even though I went off the path. They seem to know who’s familiar with their culture who wasn’t although I wouldn’t go now not as a vacation anyways.
Off track some reason whatever it stopped had a opposite effect happened. Mass illegal immigration started. In the beginning they could get welfare easily and even told how by welfare agencies in border cities.
As far as Europe I’m guessing most would of stayed if it wasn’t for socialism/ communism, Marxism. Those who were awake got out in time. Others were awake but felt established or family ties kept them there hoping it would pass and all had to leave everything and start over. They didn’t come here illegally, to smuggle drugs I’m aware of, entitled looking for welfare or word of special interest groups.They should of opened the borders to all Jews prior and during WW11 as well as all other countries but I don’t think anyone imagined the horrors that would come next. There was only a number admitted at that time.
After Ted Kennedy that number started to grow and kept growing. Does it surpass immigrants to death rates? It’s too high considering we have such a high illegal immigrant population as well. It needs to go back down or we’ll be buried and reduced to a third world country as well as wildlife. Supply demand imbalance hurts the working class.