Need to be kept secret ! from WHO …The Russians know all about US Politics sooner and better than the American Public ! How can they be accused of manipulation if they didnt ? So who do we keep these secrets from ?
The Democrats give the secrets to the Russians in exchange for Bribes & campaign money,so what the Russians cant figure out the can BUY ! So who do we keep these Sources & methods from ? Its very simple ,its the Dumbed Down American Public that are taught nothing but you better obey because they are indebted to the Gubberment for their Edumacation for the rest of their lives .Debt is a Power play for subjugation ,another Gubberment “method”. FBI always sites Sources & Methods to keep the “Mushroom People ” from asking annoying questions ,you do know who they are dont you ? They are the Public that are put into debt,kept in the DARK and fed a bunch of shit ..That how you grow mushrooms….Now you know the methods as far as Sources ..the media is the Source Part that they dont want you to question because they control that Propaganda machine that they dont want the Russians to get hold of ..WHAT ! WHAT !..The Russians invented it ! you dumb asses ,and thats your reason to keep secrets from the American Public..? FBI SOURCES & METHODS ..its all about you ! you dumb asses NOT the Russians…YOU “MUSHROOM PEOPLE “! They keep sources & Methods from YOU ! To keep you under their Control …not the Russians !
The Russians while under Communist Control learned all the SECRETS & Methods from Lenin AND WHY DO YOU THINK CLINTON WAS SENT TO RUSSIA TO STUDY while he was a student ? Paid for by the KGB ,He was learning “SOURCES & METHODS” from the Masters. How to subjugate People ..!
“Sources & Methods ” come straight from LENIN & Trotsky….Its Communist ideology implemented in America by Bill Clinton …and kept secret to be used by the Democratic Party just like the Communist party did in Russia ….Putin is Laughing his Ass off…..