It is up 30% in the EXTENDED hours trading market-the low was 22-now it is 29.85 UP 30.53%–This does not strike me as “capitulation”–and, contrarily, bullish for stocks [showing extreme fear].
The Nikkei futures-according to CNBCs’ Brian Sullivan are down 8%–so if ASia crashes…and Europe too…maybe the U.S. doesn’t merrily recover tomorrow…where are those drolling bull bargain hunters who were “praying” for a correction so they could lap up more shares?? If they are so brave, let’s see them step up to the plate and buy for a turn around Tuesday…we” see if the “magic” is still there…
Today–even now–gold has been a dud–it tried to pop today but was squashed immediately…could Asia run up gold and ole 50 or 100 bucks tonight-away from the talons of the Cartel…slim chance…but possible