thats the Mechanism used to Crash Markets ….They did it with BITCOIN too.Didya notice Bit Futures were set up just before the crash,then they needed to scare’um back to US Markets …China stopped Bit Trading so they all ran to TAIWAN to convert bitCoins to FIAT ,or at least trade in a BITCOIN market still open…where many sold and some held when they were convinced the Government would let Markets be free.. China may have caused the panic in NY..! The only way to take your bitcoins with you was if you did not trust a third Party to hold them …therefore BITCOINS were like GOLD IF you dont have it in your hand …You dont own it ! and lacking a developed Stock market in BITCOINS it really didnt have a Paper market either ! The US is building THAT NOW as they missed out the First time and are now createing a developed BITCOIN Market in PAPER …..traded in Developed EXCHANGES ….They were not about to let Hundreds of Billions in Trading commissions go elsewhere . Stocks like HIVE and BTSC are going to be the FIRST beneficiarys and a few others ..I know of about ten that trade US MARKETS and some Canadians too ..CHINA was Stupid to stop trading in BITCOINS ,that Market is going to be HUGH because ..BLOCK CHAIN can save US CORPORATIONS BILLIONS in LABOR COSTS right at the time when wages are going up ….Especially the BANKS …Remember when Banksters are jumping out of windows ya need to consider following them cause there must be money to be made DOWN THERE ! and Banksters are setting up BITCOIN & BLOCKCHAINs NOW…!
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