GOODY-!! retail is panicking, desperate to get out of stocks. Which means that a full on bear market is now in the hands of just two players: institutions, and corporations.
Winedoc, Kentucky
I need to apologize for Ipso, I think he meant “please continue to post pornography”.
Every now and then Ipso gets a little mixed up. 🙂
Kentucky – I feel the same way, just hoping we’ll be proven right before we’re dead. I lost $80K on Great Basin. Everything pm has been just brutal.
Mr Copper
In industrial countries it’s all about greed. A friend from Japan said they are telling them the same thing as here and Europe. In Japan two issues going on, one the young not having enough kids to replace workers two they’re mostly educated no one wants to work the lower wage or lower skilled jobs. That there bringing them in from Korea. They get the same story not enough people to replace the workers looking forward.
If there is less people going forward then they will need less people to replace them right? She said good point.
Gov just wants that tax money coming in and the cost will be our children’s children will see a change in demographics where Japan will no longer be Japanese but Korean. At least there is a accepted rule of law in Korea BUT.,,
I should of mentioned this to her. People have long memories. I’m sure Korea has some issues with the Japanese after WW11 including the use of kidnapped women by Japanese soldiers holding th as sex slaves as well as Chinese. Who knows what will happen after they grow in siginifsnt numbers.
As far a is we will have all sorts of nationalities from not so civilized countries to deal with that already said they’d take over if they could like Mexico and Mid East and with Mid East it’s to spread everywhere less we put a cap on it. On the subways of Europe there was a bunch of Mid East men walking along side the tracks chanting Allah Ackbar.
There is a definite attack particularly on white Christians and Jews brewing if it is not prevented.
Like that can of beams, as things get worse in their country they’re going to look at ours. I don’t think most of these third world countries have figured out how over population results in poverty.
winedoc @ 17:25 Please don’t post pornography at the Oasis!
Just kidding HeHe. 🙂
Hey good to see you. Don’t be a stranger.
At the end of the story we win.
Just hoping we’re on the right side of the dirt when it happens!
DOW’n 1,032 Points
IF I remember right the S/M crash that started in March 2000 took three years to bottom out. However, the Gold Silver and Commodities sectors bottomed and started back up soon after March ’00, and three years of us booming up, helped the indices look better, and the regular sectors followed us up.
goldielocks @ 15:33
Roger all those and re your ….”third world hell holes due to lack of rule of law” S/B “third world hell holes due to lack of jobs and money”. Hell holes are a result there of. Lets face it. In a real bad economic crash, no food deliveries, your neighbor might kill you for a can of beans.
There is no way in hell, in this day and age with modern manufacturing methods, to keep billions of people ALL getting 40 hours of work each week. TPTB has to just give money to people that have no work, and or encourage people to retire, free up jobs, if they have a big savings account and don’t really need to work.
Creating unneeded artificial gov’t and service jobs is not the solution because THEY are like a net tax on people with the real jobs.
Remember distinctly February 2008 S&P 500 fell to 666 then started it’s move back up.
Gold and Silver Price 2/15/2008
902.80 17.10 USD Index 76.11
Checking In
Still lurk and read a lot of what is posted. Yesterday Captain Hook stopped by and was talking about to the moon stuff. I do not see that at any of the gold sites except King World and they are even muted. Most of the technical guys are neutral to bearish at least for the intermediate term. Several are looking for one more big smash down to demoralize the longs. There seems to be very few left but all hope needs to be lost. I for one wish I had never heard of gold.
Happy Hour: Kitco: “did gold really go up 20 cents” sheeesh EOM
Perhaps 20 cents got you into a show …….
Kathleen Rockwell
“Klondike Kate”
The Chinese are watching
and they will kick the Globalists out ..The Money Lenders,The Banksters and all those that live off other peoples LABOR ….
NVIDIA up 14.39 in extended mkt
ALL that Trump MONEY
given back to the People was just too much ! The money LENDERS couldent stand it ..they want it back ..”RAISE interest rates ” !!! they say we Bankersters want our SHARE ! its not FAIR !
Trump is not FAIR to the Money LENDERS …! WE will FORECLOSE if we dont get what we want !
8 big pt S&P rally in 1st 10 seconds of after hrs mkt in S&P
scum going bonkers here…..can it be more obvious.
Now up 15 Pts in 3 mins..that is @ 150 Dow pts….scum going ubber bonkers.
It’s so bad in Mexico because the cartels have taken over towns but they will do the same here. Murders in Mexico are off the ” wall” and their country refuses to pull out the military. They only semi protect tourist areas. They are so open about it Mexican citizens see things like a dead body hanging from a bridge. I guess that sends a message to citizens who dare to fight them or competing gangs. Not much better going on in these other third world hell holes due to lack of rule of law and corrupt bueracarats keeping all the money for themselves and their military to protect themselves while the people live in poverty and suffers.
Yes there are honest people coming including business owners because they fear being kidnapped or their family by gangs help for ransom while many times killing them anyways and in gruesom ways like chain saws. They’re copying the terrorist now. The businesses here won’t sponsee them because they don’t want to get caught hiring low wage foreigners over citizens.
You have a lot of young out there developing low self esteem feelings of hopelessness and never getting out of the house or homeless if forced out by parents who haven’t had to compete with foreign labor taking their starter jobs they get and now retired or semi retired workers because they can’t afford to retire anymore.
Plain as the nose on yr face, that scum sitting on PM’s, especially the shares…..Hui is a horror show recently.
3 weeks ago it looked like a serious break out was on…but no way was that allowed and now nearly all given back, a 7 week rally crushed in less than 2.
I can just imagine them, ….watched a little recently and had to give up…..
Every time
everything pm tries to mount a minor rally and come up for air they get knocked back down.
Mr Copper
I look at some of these world leaders like this. If you had overpopulation of one country and could make money off outsourcing them like economic slaves to another and make money off it why would you try to change anything. The countries taking them them can satisfy their doners looking for cheap labor can then easily replace the higher wage earners with lower wage earners and then tax the previous higher wage earners now lower wage earners to subsidize the other lower wage earners having kids with social programs. What they over look is one we’re full now two these lower wage earners will get tired of the lower wages and their children will grow up expecting to get higher wage jobs. Then these new higher wage earners will be replaced with a endless flow of lower wage earners from the same country they left. That should be interesting.