It’s so bad in Mexico because the cartels have taken over towns but they will do the same here. Murders in Mexico are off the ” wall” and their country refuses to pull out the military. They only semi protect tourist areas. They are so open about it Mexican citizens see things like a dead body hanging from a bridge. I guess that sends a message to citizens who dare to fight them or competing gangs. Not much better going on in these other third world hell holes due to lack of rule of law and corrupt bueracarats keeping all the money for themselves and their military to protect themselves while the people live in poverty and suffers.
Yes there are honest people coming including business owners because they fear being kidnapped or their family by gangs help for ransom while many times killing them anyways and in gruesom ways like chain saws. They’re copying the terrorist now. The businesses here won’t sponsee them because they don’t want to get caught hiring low wage foreigners over citizens.
You have a lot of young out there developing low self esteem feelings of hopelessness and never getting out of the house or homeless if forced out by parents who haven’t had to compete with foreign labor taking their starter jobs they get and now retired or semi retired workers because they can’t afford to retire anymore.
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