In industrial countries it’s all about greed. A friend from Japan said they are telling them the same thing as here and Europe. In Japan two issues going on, one the young not having enough kids to replace workers two they’re mostly educated no one wants to work the lower wage or lower skilled jobs. That there bringing them in from Korea. They get the same story not enough people to replace the workers looking forward.
If there is less people going forward then they will need less people to replace them right? She said good point.
Gov just wants that tax money coming in and the cost will be our children’s children will see a change in demographics where Japan will no longer be Japanese but Korean. At least there is a accepted rule of law in Korea BUT.,,
I should of mentioned this to her. People have long memories. I’m sure Korea has some issues with the Japanese after WW11 including the use of kidnapped women by Japanese soldiers holding th as sex slaves as well as Chinese. Who knows what will happen after they grow in siginifsnt numbers.
As far a is we will have all sorts of nationalities from not so civilized countries to deal with that already said they’d take over if they could like Mexico and Mid East and with Mid East it’s to spread everywhere less we put a cap on it. On the subways of Europe there was a bunch of Mid East men walking along side the tracks chanting Allah Ackbar.
There is a definite attack particularly on white Christians and Jews brewing if it is not prevented.
Like that can of beams, as things get worse in their country they’re going to look at ours. I don’t think most of these third world countries have figured out how over population results in poverty.
Mr Copper
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