They and everybody, need the Media to admit,
“The many suffer because of the actions of a few”.
Just like Gun Owners, and drivers under 25 years old etc.
They and everybody, need the Media to admit,
“The many suffer because of the actions of a few”.
Just like Gun Owners, and drivers under 25 years old etc.
Nice to be looking at a green PF with the Dow down multiple hundreds.
They’re a lifeboat today anyways.
It’s quite a complicated issue but it seems like most people are at least agreed on building the wall, and having some path to citizenship for those who pull their weight and keep their nose clean.
To have true “open borders” and let everyone in as some advocate would turn the US into a real “shithole” in just a few years.
Goldie …. I have no compassion for the illegals who are gangsters and if they keep coming here and getting deported they should go to prison. To have some guy that’s been deported 31 times committing murder here just shouldn’t be happening.
The “lifeboat” USA has a limited number of passengers. Too many and the lifeboat also sinks. Everybody can’t get in the lifeboat. Lets be practical. Life is sometimes cruel and then you die. Also, death is the price of life, and it’s worth it. No? 🙂
@Richey re why is Gold not up a lot? TPTB are very good at, and proud, of putting square pegs into round holes. They also succeeded into changing original normal mentality like loving gold and guns etc into abnormal mentality. Abnormal mentality like hating guns and gold has been modified no be normal.
The 3 financial stations–CNBC–Bloomberg and FOX are going non stop with “experts” saying this is nothing–get your buy lists out-we just gotta do a quick retest of the lows and it’s off to the races…that’s been good advice since 1987….
U know the reason…it’s being bought all right, by the boat load, problem is the scum are selling all bids, the metal and the shares.
Check Vols on crimex, they are monstrous. I’d guess today has so much buying that holding the advance to $ 15 is all they can do. without that they would have shoved it through $ 1300 by now.
Simply because G&S can NEVER be seen as a safe haven investment. That’s why the PPT can buy S&P futures so the propaganda machine can work overtime. Keep the masses in the dark!
Good discussion on immigration.
I don’t think there’s any way not to give amnesty but with some hard terms as treefrog noted 10 yrs or more to achieve citizenship. There’s really no way to deport all those people, and many do come here for a better life. That being said, put a moratorium on any immigration for a couple of years, build the damn wall, deport any illegal after a certain date and any illegal who commits a crime. Put them in a plane with a parachute and say good luck.
The difference between the 1890-1920 period and today is that back then the immigrants assimilated into OUR culture. Today, the state enables them via the education system to keep their own culture, by having them keeping Spanish language schooling, etc.
I’d ban any immigrants from the M.E. and end dual citizenship of any kind. JMHO
The problem I see is that anything that pisses off the established middle classes, is embraced by the left.
No matter how illogical that stance, they are more interested in destabilising society and that goes back to the Frankfurt school and the USSR’s quest for World domination.
They are still fighting that war, even though the USSR is long gone. That is why Vlad, a serious patriot, held Obummer in such complete contempt, as he knew the source of Obummer’s lunacy and that it was both treasonous and idiotic to the US.
I Ment ipso not Ororeef sorry Ororeef just got some food finally so made me sleepy.
I posted part of this take before on what illegal immigration did to south Calif.
here is is presented by a self acclaimed immigrant patriot.
Notice how they say there is more of us now so you can go back to Europe on you Nina Pinta Santa Maria.They reciently tried to get rid of a statue of Christopher Columbus
This is hate and entitlement and the law did nothing, a banana republic civil unrest and crime is what we’ll get just like the places they came even worse today. This is what La Raza is all about. They try to claim Indian Aztec but they’re not. They are of Spanish decent and sub culture. Indians didn’t have bull fights or were catholic. It’s just a excuse to do what they’re doing to claim entitlement.
Lets say you rented an apartment 20 years ago for $700/month, and the landlord never raised the rent. Twenty years later a NEW landlord raises you rent to market values, like $1,400/mo.
Most people would piss and moan about a double in rent. But you simply can not complain, because you got away with a very low rent cost for 20 years, eh?
Like I clearly stated after the crash and Bernie Madoff….
“If you have been getting away with something, you were not supposed to, you bettr stop before you get caught” because everything is in reverse. Good guy lenient easy going look the other way, don’t face reality USA chump agenda ran its course. 1945 to 2008 RIP.
It’s worst than that. They have foreign leaders and groups of people that tell them that we are the reason that they are poor or were the enemy so we owe them thus the entitlement. It doesn’t pay for these groups or leaders for these people to move on to a better life their claiming their doing and assimilate if it interrupts their gravy train or expanding their power by having influence and control over them. Something our ancestors fought against. Their idea of progressive is really recessive due to the nature of man. For instance so called women’s rights activists wanting in invite a unlimited invested number of Muslims here who believe in Shaira law over our constitution.
Their object since they can’t beat us with war is trying to induce fearing them with tricks so we back off so they can overpopulate and take over. They as much as say it and don’t hide their brainwashed blame shifting and hate.
you wrote “…someone who has been here for 5, 10 20 years, who is a good citizen…”
but they are NOT good citizens. they are not citizens, they are trespassers. i agree that as children, they are less responsible than they would be as adult trespassers, but trespassers they remain.
i would support a pathway to citizenship, but only one that acknowledged the criminal nature of their entry. i.e.
green card for ten (more?) years as a probationary period. if they can stay on the right side of the law, and not on public assistance, then (or during the ten years) they pay a substantial fine for their criminal entry. this would entitle them to a place at the end of the line for regular legal immigration.
any criminal activity or application for public assistance during the ten year probationary period entitles them to a fast ticket to their country of origin.
If yr not on the list, that is a start…but only a start.
Anthony Weiner’s Computer’s list of contacts !!!!!
I’ll have to disagree there … I think most immigrants who come here are hungry for work and eager to get ahead. I’d like to know the actual figures about how many go on welfare. AFAIC illegals shouldn’t be able to get welfare anyways.
Immigrants were a great thing before globalization, when we produced all our needs here. We hired them, pay them extremely well, and they earned enough to paid taxes. My grandfather came here in 1906, he had 8 kids, 6 girls and 2 boys.
He was unskilled labor, on the docks in NYC. His wife did not have to work. If there was a shortage or zero immigrants?? All those dirty hard jobs would be done by locals, but at much higher wages because Americans simply have a higher standard and won’t work that cheap.
Motto. The good guys finish last. That’s the good ole USA. Good guys. By 2008 it was obvious that the USA ended up last, and ended up being “America First” to crash in ’08, and took the entire so called global community down, requiring the new priority objective “America First” because we can’t afford to be the good guys anymore.
After globalization, they need to go to China, Taiwan, et al, the prosperous exporting countries. Besides that any immigrants that do go back home will be an EXTREME asset to their old country when they bring back some American ways. Make their country a litte bit American, instead of making the USA a little bit third world nation.
Basically, imo, all important decisions have to be based on being practical, sometimes brutally practical, instead of allowing emotion to be the dominant force. For example, you are practical to kill a deer to eat, and emotional if you feel sorry for the deer and let him live. 🙂
the “unwashed” that came here from 1870 to 1910 or 20 had different motivations from the majority of illegals today-today they come to feast on all the entitlement programs and most hate this country and culture…and have no intention of assimilating.
I’m sure that this may not be a popular view here but I think there is going to be some sort of amnesty for the illegals, and I think there should be. Personally I think it is massively cruel to take someone who has been here for 5, 10 20 years, who is a good citizen, has a job and family and property and boot them out of the country. Also it is economically a bad move. All you have to do is look around and see who is doing a lot of the real work in the country, Construction, farming … the hard and dirty jobs, much of that is being done by Mexican illegals. How many snowflakes, millenials do you see who have an interest in doing manual labor?
Illegals who are criminals are a different category and I have no compassion for them.
PS I admit bias against the Muslims. It’s OK with me if none are able to come here at all. They don’t assimilate and are going to cause a lot of trouble down the road. IMO
Yep they knew enough to write it in away that it would have to be redacted
So they could go to their next trick or propaganda of saying someone changed it. Some of us already saw that coming.
“illegal alien vermin”
The vast majority of illegal immigrants are coming here to try and have a better life. They are just ordinary people. Yes I think the immigration laws should be enforced and I think we need better border security but we shouldn’t forget that if not for an accident of birth we might be in their place.
If you term people “vermin” it sounds like you are ready to set up a new Treblinka.
Exactly It’s worse than that though because it’s not peaceful or a oversight on either side.
On one side you have some ranchers unwilling to do the work to keep their cattle fed or try to control its population educating the cows on resources. As the resources dwindle the hungry cows see the greener pastures on the other ranchers side. Next thing you know the lazy rancher gets a idea to have their cows go over and bring food back to his other cows so he doesn’t have to do any work so he bribes one of the ranch hands to let them. The crooked rancher tells the cows complaining about the over crowding and dwindling supply’s of food that all of a sudden they’re selfish and racist if they don’t share their pastures with the other cows who have so little. Pretty soon the greener pasture starts looking like the empty pasture both pastures are Barron since there is no more greener pastures left all the cows start to die off and civil unrest starts as the remaining cows fight for what little resources are left. All because of lazy ranchers on one side and crooked ranch hands on the other.