Maddog @ 11:02 re your…”just maybe we have re-entered the real world !!!!” Agreed.
ipsofacto @ 11:02 re your “Looks like the sweet spot for gold.” Agreed.
Buygold @ 12:05 re your “USD falling and higher rates– that’s interesting.” Agreed.
Comment: I think the Idiots are boxed in. They are going for double or nothing with this non-sense “throttle up” increased spending, bigger national debt etc. They have a tangled up fishing line situation.
Too many complicated moving parts variables. I sense a lot of generational wealth, savings, dollar dumping on various inflation hedges, stocks, real estate, bit coin etc, but Gold and Silver are the best. They’ll all find out later.
I can’t see how inflation is going to prosper the economy. If things cost more and wages are stagnant, they should get a slowdown and more welfare. Its funny. The businesses adjust to 21% rates, high oil prices, high medical insurance, but they can’t seem to tolerate higher wages for entry level.
Fixing that would hurt them? And nothing else did?