She was a college grad nurse , then did traveling nursing at three university hospitals and finally went back to PA to do ICU work at a Children’s hospital. There, one of her assignments was to care for a pediatric multiple organ transplant – one of the first for that extensive surgery . The family was poor and from out of country , and had been hosted by kind hearted families who opened their homes to them . They were interviewed on TV news when it was time to return home , and they thanked those who had been so kind to them , as well as the doctors who , to them , had performed a miracle , and ended by thanking ‘one special nurse’ and named my daughter. That still chokes me up many years later .
Later they made her a flight nurse , bringing children in by helicopter . I didn’t care for that very much since they are such a complex machine , and the team was scheduled for two 24 hour shifts per week , but now she is in admin work , so I am happier .