The ‘normalcy bias’ for paper investing here really astounds me. Most everyone here is aware of ‘the rig’ in the markets, yet you all continue to play the paper game… expecting something different next time. What is that the definition of ? Insanity is hard to admit.
I gave up paper years ago when I came to this realization of total control of the markets. Yes, I took a loss to shed my paper. But I never looked back and focus purely on collecting physical now.
You paper holders keep talking about when the rig collapses. You will NOT profit when it does! It will be such a collapse that brokerages, markets, and paper will all go down in flames. You will not collect on the paper you hold. Face it… it will be terrible. Physical in your hands is the only bargaining chip you will have in a financial collapse.
I love you all, but you are idiots if you are playing in paper.
Thus endeth my rant.