Not only that. People in the 60 s stopped taking their kids to church and were against anything from the social and God fearing past. They stopped being envolved with the kids a lot of men thought they could run around do what they want smoke pot chill with no responsibility or ties, and the TV with sleezy shows that degrade women, or with violence with no plot, heroizing bad guys, and now violent video games became their babysitters now bad babysitters while schools teaching white guilt promoting minority hate and in some schools white kids trying to act like a thug or something theyre not ” at first” so they can get along. Gov and Hollywood makes bad parents and of late politics bad examples.
Did you hear the latest on Pelosi. We don’t need a fence at the border we need to mow our lawns instead. When we do the illegals will pop out. They know they don’t have a legitimate reason for not having one.
Mr Copper
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