Yes I remember all those things from the 50s. I think it was 5 dollars a doctors visit. Remember the milk man and donut and bread man and of course most important the ice cream man. Only one left you see infrequently is the ice cream man. The prices have signifantly changed since then. I remember we were outside more than kids now or they’d find something for us to do which we had things to do anyways. I was ironing my own cloths at 7 where everything in those days had to be ironed. Another thing you don’t need to do much anymore as anyone our age knows pure cotton is trouble. Baby boomers were seen as a job maker then.
Then came along a Gov acting like spoiled kids like they got the keys to daddy’s safe deposit squandering all the weatlh of the generations before.
There should be some trade but not a trade deficit we seem to generously give to everyone or should I say Gov does. They even stole from our SS. There a bunch of crooked bums.
Mr Copper
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