The Howdy Doody Show, Superman, Roy Rogers Show, Three Stooges, Ozzie and Harriet, Andy Griffith of Mayberry, Leave it to Beaver, Dennis the Menace, Father Knows Best, I Love Lucy, The Honey Mooners, Mickey Mouse Club, The Rifle Man, The Lone Ranger, Lassie, and American Bandstand.
Even the old cowboy westerns always showed the bad guy getting killed by the good guy. And when the bad guy got killed, you could see is was phony, staged. He’d hold his belly and then fall off the roof or porch etc.
The “problem” with all those shows was everybody was European white. No “diversity”, so the smart asses decided to change everything, more politically correct, sex drugs and alcohol with violence, and now look at what the ass holes created. Add globalization and lower wages for unskilled labor leads to hopelessness and depression leading suicide and or mass shootings.