bought out Scottrade ,Im getting almost no local tech attention at local office with getting up and running..Iv got to call out of state for tech assistance just to get on line with “think or Swimm” .
They got a big local office with nobody in gal answering the phone and trying to give tech support too. Im beginning to think they only wanted the accounts and no additional employee s….They are trying to fit my chart groups in the hundreds to a system that is made for thier system ..lots of stuff lost in the change over …example when mutual Funds located in the same file as Equity stocks I cant get the column heads like symbol,%gain,last price ,volume,bid,asked…etc defers to the FUND headings only ?even though it separates the Funds ,but dosent allow different coulmn headings using Win 10..It makes my thousands of charts useless and dosent have RENKO charts that I frequently use ..It dosent allow me to chart stocks that are not already in the portfolio …! How to know if I want to trade it before I buy it ?..
I guess I have to buy it to find out whats in it ! sounds like Nancy Pelosi may be running the company..?
It claims to be compatable with Ubuntu Linux system ,but I cant even get it to accept “think or Swim” platform .on a dedicated lap top computer .