GDX plus 0.23 %….GLd plus 0.52 % and now NEM goes Unch !!!!!!
Don Wolanchuk on Peter Eliades [perma-bear]
i keep a diary of eliades’ appearances on the financial channels….over the last 30 years without exception he shows up at an important bottom…….the propaganda machine at work….he hasnt been a screaming bulll or any kind of bull ever in his life……he.s a prechter clone ……totally brain ded and no doubt a real dimm…hasnt an indipendent thot in his head….but we love these guys…they help keep the wall of worry in place
Yup good $ 10 rally crushed all night/London AM…nothing changes…meanwhile SM soars on.
Nice trend lines…..tks
Still reckon they blast through….picking up lots of anecdotal evidence in mania phase in SM, which fits with E- Wave saying 5th of 5th… idea where we end.
SM going into melt up mode…S&P plus 35 pts !!!!!!!
Looks like wave 5 of 5 has started, as SM will blast to new all time Hi’s……it won’t be inflation, but hyperinflation, that will be the talking point.
Lets see the scum keep PM’s down under that scenario…so far they are pathetic…AU has dropped $5 from it’s o/n hi.
Gold Train
Golden Showers
Maya, thanks for the Black Hills train pic, fond memories were synaptzed taking my son on that train, just after visiting Mount Rushmore.
You have a fantastic country, even if half of it is Jack Wagons. RIP wanka.
This is what the Rig is protecting…….Why ????
Shame of the RBS bullies: Explosive secret files show how bailed-out Royal Bank of Scotland bullied, mocked, threatened and ripped off clients… under watch of these three City titans
Nobody told the scum S&P plus 15 pts already and going strong !!!!!!
Goldman’s Shocking Capitulation: The Buy-The-Dip Era Is Dead, “This Is A Genuine Regime Change”/blockquote>
Buygold–yeah, he is an odd ball for someone who is so iconoclastic
I would have thought him to be Republican…conservative…
Your boy at Ponziworld is an idiot.
Of course he hates “Republicons” as a biased piece of crap like him would. But then attack ZH posters for begging for the CB’s to save them? Bullshit, I haven’t seen or read any of that
I have no doubt that Rothschild owned CB’s won’t bailout Trump, anyone with half a brain knows that, unless of course he rides in to save Israel again from another war they’ve started.
The Ponziworld belongs to them – 100% as has always been.
“I cannot tell you how rare a market condition this is – that yields are rising into this risk pullback,” he wrote in a note to clients Friday.
This rare occurrence of bond yields rising even as stock markets decline was a feature in 1987 and 1994″
It’s called voodoo economics for a reason: because you have to be a total fucking zombie to believe in it…RepubliCons believe that trade is *free* and money is *free*, they’ll be shocked to learn they’re wrong on both counts. To be true, they were monkey hammered pretty good this week, but as we know, it takes a lot to get a zombie’s attention. So the beatings will continue until morality improves. Contrary to popular belief, Friday’s mega budget did nothing to allay the bond market…
“Don’t worry, this is just a feature”
This week, the bond market REPUDIATED Trumpfuckistan outright. Now, boy-men all over Zerohedge are crying for more Fed dopium to bail them out of their over-leveraged trades. Unfortunately, that is SHEER fucking fantasy, because the Trumptard tax cut and this week’s mega-budget have now boxed the Fed further into a tightening regime. As always, don’t take my word for it:
NYT: RepubliCons Only Hate Spending When Democrats Are In Office
That was a good story. The kind of story’s that makes immigration a good thing, not bad like so many coming here now expecting a free ride they did not earn and using people like you who immigrated before them do do it. There is no comparison.
Morning Alex
Thanks for posting those articles. Pretty big contrast in the Guardian article – Putin bad, murderer etc.
I do hope that he is not a NWO guy and know that he came down hard on the oligarchs and supposedly has banned Soros and Rothschild.
Cutting off the heads of the snakes in the international banking cartels is the only way I can see as the first step to true freedom. Hopefully at some point the Russians and Chinese will bring us back to a gold standard.
Buygold – here is a related story – probably also from 2016
but from the GUARDIAN , so likely tainted .
Middlecreek , Ipso , Thanks for the kind words
And yes , we are preaching to the choir here .
I pity the students coming to most colleges now ( I live in a university town ).
They are all too often pursuing useless degrees making student loans that will be a huge burden . One of my granddaughters finished high school a few months ago , and wisely decided not to immediately enroll in a college . I advised her to look at those areas which are essential to life and to seek a career in a sector supplying those needs , preferably as her own boss , freelancing .
Alex Valdor
Thanks for sharing your story. Success from personal effort.
The founding fathers set our stage. They provided the framework for our nation to grow based on the hard work of individuals living in a free society. They knew the true strength of a country is in its people and it’s been clearly proven in America the last 200 years. But it appears someone is trying to water down our strength with an influx of dissimilar ideology and I fear at some point we could be fighting amongst ourselves over available resources, which would quickly weaken us as a country. I think Trump and others know this and are trying to correct the damage but has found the system damaged beyond their ability to correct. It simply appears to me that we don’t call our own shots anymore. It will take more than four years of Trump to regain control. We came way too close to disaster with Hillary as president. Far too many people don’t understand where real money comes from today. They too easily fall for the communists trick of getting something for nothing. We are at a crossroads today. Could go on, but I’m preaching to the choir here. ?
Alex – sorry
Can you send it to me again and title – “from Alex Valdor” ?
I’m afraid you’re getting put in my junkmail.
The economy just popped. Politics will soon be a distant memory. We have very real problems now: