OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

From a ZH reader:

Posted by Richard640 @ 8:36 on February 5, 2018  

All Risk No Reward JRobby Feb 5, 2018 7:51 AM Permalink

Oh, but I remember almost everyone on ZH parroting how the central bankers were  afraid to raise rates.

That was the narrative… “Ha ha! They’ll never raise rates!”

The level of naivety would be cute if it wasn’t directed at something so evil.



“This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth.…When the President signs this Act, the invisible government by the Money Power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized.…The money power overawes the legislative and executive forces of the Nation and of the States. I have seen these forces exerted during the different stages of this bill.…”
~Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, referring to the act which established the Federal Reserve. Congressional Record, Vol. 51, p. 1446. December 22, 1913.

“The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on depressions will be scientifically created.”
~Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, after the passage of the Federal Reserve act 1913.

“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.”
~Lord Acton

“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”
~Napoleon Bonaparte

“Let the American people go into their debt-funding schemes and banking systems, and from that hour their boasted independence will be a mere phantom.”
~William Pitt, (referring to the inauguration of the first National Bank in the United States under Alexander Hamilton).

How To Be a Crook

Poverty – Debt Is Not a Choice

Renaissance 2.0 The Rise of [Debt-Money Monopolist] Financial Empire

Morning R640

Posted by Buygold @ 8:30 on February 5, 2018  

Yeah shares aren’t screaming higher, but at least not down yet

The PPT arrived about 20 minutes ago and has set the algo’s on attack mode to hit the VIX and goose the SM futures.

BTW – USD down against the Yen, I sure down understand that correlation with pm’s

Buygold-Yup! Gold is 7 off its low and silver 21…let’s see how the PM stocks and ETFs do today…

Posted by Richard640 @ 8:23 on February 5, 2018  

Bitcoins down again…-$565 but I long ago gave up any hope that its gyrations, to the upside or downside, would have any benefit for gold. In the pre-mkt. SLV is up 22 cent and JNUG up a mere 4 cent–GDX up 5 cent…not very exciting…

Morning Maddog

Posted by Buygold @ 7:58 on February 5, 2018  

Really glad and a lot surprised pm’s aren’t getting crushed again this morning

Knock on wood…

Re Ag/ Au ratio

Posted by Maddog @ 3:38 on February 5, 2018  

15 is roughly the ratio it is found in the ground as well, then look at Platinum the rarest of all the large PM, trading at a discount to AU.

The Rig has crudely distorted many old relationships, as it blunders around trying to create a new reality.

Horse and Train ….. Alex Colville

Posted by winedoc @ 16:58 on February 4, 2018  


Onward Pilgrims


I listened to the energy fuels presentation because I

Posted by overton @ 16:56 on February 4, 2018  

knew there was a  vanadium mine that Denison had back in the day.  (I never made ONE dime on Uranium).  Its not running and idle.

There was a Uranium long term supply contract table that I connected to from McEwens twititer link but can’t find it right now……out to 2050 so I don’t see where this U bull is coming from. A 20 year contract for areva and one was for 27 years.






R640 – Hope that’s right with silver this time

Posted by Buygold @ 15:08 on February 4, 2018  

Hard to believe a historic avg. being 15-1 now at 80.7-1, I sure don’t understand the fundamentals.

FWIW – Bitcoin is falling again, now around $8200 – still about $8199 overvalued


the rare instance of the Gold/Silver ratio topping 80x has always bode well for the white metal. We’ll show you.

Posted by Richard640 @ 13:41 on February 4, 2018  

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 429th Edition — San Francisco — 03 February 2018 (published each Saturday) — www.deMeadville.com

“Gold/Silver Ratio Tops 80x – What Happens Next…”

Throughout this millennium, the rare instance of the Gold/Silver ratio topping 80x has always bode well for the white metal. We’ll show you.

But first, this short (pun!), swift statement on the stock market: at last Sunday’s Investors Roundtable, in suggesting that the S&P 500 had just put in its high for the year and then querying if anyone else might agree, “No no no!” they laughed. We’ll see if they show up tomorrow, (albeit one participant admitted as being “engendered with a sense of doom”).

Now: for just the fourth time (give or take some immaterial flutter) since 2001, the ratio of Gold’s price to that for Silver has just crossed above 80x. Gold settled out the week yesterday (Friday) at 1335.2 and Silver at 16.555. That puts the ratio at 80.7x. Here’s its chart, noting in red the three prior eclipses of the 80x level, and now the fourth:

What happens next? Here’s the history of the three prior occurrences looking forward six months in each case:

■ 1st – 02 June 2003: Silver settles at 4.540; within six months it settles at 5.485 (+20.8%)

■ 2nd – 17 September 2008: Silver settles at 10.52; within six months it settles at 14.420 (+37.1%)

■ 3rd – 23 February 2016: Silver settles at 15.300; within six months it settles at 20.665 (+35.1%



Posted by goldielocks @ 12:25 on February 4, 2018  

Saying in defense, well what about Trump and others asking for Obamas birth cert. , no different. Asking for proof of a birth cert. which is easy to get if you are a citizen is quite different than internally corruption, conspiracy of FBI to make up a dossier and illegally spy on citizens or sitting president.

GORO’s Reid on 2018 goals …… that’s if there

Posted by overton @ 12:12 on February 4, 2018  

are any shareholders left here.

Nevada permit due anytime …..2018 double the production of last year

still only 57 mil shares


Posted by treefrog @ 12:08 on February 4, 2018  


R640 – thanks for that link

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 11:20 on February 4, 2018  

Certainly Ruby Ridge , Waco , and the LaVoy Finicum slaughters raise huge flags , when women , innocent children and an unarmed man are murdered by those sworn to uphold the Constitutional rights of citizens .

Comments from ZH readers==Solution: Assume NO government agency can be trusted. “The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance”

Posted by Richard640 @ 8:49 on February 4, 2018  

MagicHandPuppet  auricle Feb 3, 2018 4:34 PM  Permalink

FBI “special agent” Josh Campbell is yet another reason why I no longer trust the FBI.  Clearly, he has no problem with specific superiors of his undermining the Constitution of the United States in order to provide political favors to Hillary Clinton while usurping the Republic’s election process, which I thought, for some reason, they each swore an oath to protect and defend from enemies foreign AND domestic.
The agents should be loyal to their oath, the Constitution and the Republic – the people whose rights they ostensibly protect; not loyal to the agency itself, the agency’s “reputation”, or the agency’s politically appointed superiors while these superiors commit TREASON.
This is not about the FBI or DOJ, you moron.  This is about law and order – and the individuals who are supposed to respect and protect our republic and its Constitution, but who turned out to be traitors that conspired against it for political favors.

Baron von Bud  MagicHandPuppet Feb 3, 2018 4:41 PM  Permalink

I lost confidence with the fbi after jfk, mlk, waco, ruby ridge, 9/11, Bundy, and LV Mandalay Bay. I mean, fool me once shame on you, fool me 20 times and why would I trust you.

Creative_Destruct  BaBaBouy Feb 3, 2018 5:14 PM  Permalink

These political attacks on the bureau must stop. If those critics of the agency persuade the public that the FBI cannot be trusted, they will also have succeeded in making our nation less safe,” he said.
When the INTERNAL politicking of the holier-than-thou Bureau is stopped, THEN the investigations into the Bureau and appropriate actions  to stop such political bias and political weaponization can stop.
Problem: how can we EVER be sure the Deep-Dark State has been successfully checked?
Answer:  we can’t
Solution: Assume NO government agency can be trusted. 
              “The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance”

It’s Getting Interesting

Posted by commish @ 19:02 on February 3, 2018  


Sources and Methods

Posted by Ororeef @ 18:55 on February 3, 2018  

Need to be kept secret ! from WHO …The Russians know all about US Politics sooner and better  than the American Public ! How can they be accused of manipulation if they didnt ? So who do we keep these secrets from ?

The Democrats give the secrets  to the Russians in exchange for Bribes & campaign money,so what the Russians cant figure out the can BUY !  So who do we keep these Sources & methods from ? Its very simple ,its the Dumbed Down American Public that are taught nothing but you better obey because they are indebted to the Gubberment for their Edumacation for the rest of their lives .Debt is a Power play for subjugation ,another  Gubberment “method”. FBI always sites Sources & Methods to keep the “Mushroom  People ” from asking annoying questions ,you do know who they are dont you ? They are the Public that are put into debt,kept in the DARK and fed a bunch of shit ..That how you grow mushrooms….Now you know the methods as far as Sources ..the media is the Source Part that they dont want you to question because they control that Propaganda machine that they dont want the Russians to get hold of ..WHAT ! WHAT !..The Russians invented it ! you dumb asses ,and thats your reason to keep secrets from the American Public..? FBI SOURCES & METHODS ..its all about you ! you dumb asses NOT the Russians…YOU “MUSHROOM PEOPLE “!  They keep sources & Methods from YOU ! To keep you under their Control …not the Russians !

The Russians while under Communist Control learned all the SECRETS & Methods from Lenin AND WHY DO YOU THINK CLINTON WAS SENT TO RUSSIA TO STUDY while he was a student ?  Paid for by the KGB ,He was learning “SOURCES & METHODS”  from the Masters.  How to subjugate People ..!

“Sources & Methods ” come straight from LENIN & Trotsky….Its Communist ideology implemented in America by Bill Clinton …and kept secret to be used by the Democratic Party just like the Communist party did in Russia  ….Putin is Laughing his Ass off…..

Well worth your weekend time to watch. James Corbett does an excellent job exposing the bull shit we are being fed to further many of the agendas being pushed on the unsuspecting and trusting public.

Posted by silverngold @ 14:38 on February 3, 2018  


Just got back to to paved roads.

Posted by redneckokie1 @ 10:20 on February 3, 2018  

Middlecreek, glad to see you back again.

i have been in rural Belize (triple canopy jungle) for a while and missed the memo release. The stock market index futures closed below some significant trend lines on Friday so we may see some more downside. It’s moments like these that reinforce my choice to be in phiz only.

Are cryptos in a correction or is the digital tulip bulb thing over?

If the swamp draining doesn’t get in high gear soon, our worst nightmare may begin. As interest rates rise, more real estate buyers will Be sidelined and land speculators will be selling to take the easy interest money. Bonds, stocks and real estate all crashing will have a VERY negative impact on retirement systems. California and Illinois will be hit the hardest.

I’m glad I live in a state with oil and gas and agriculture as an economic base. It may be down but never out!



One of My teachers …That I followed for a Long time…. his advice is still valuable

Posted by Ororeef @ 9:56 on February 3, 2018  


When Trump starts Squeezing their nuts ,they will hit Higher NOTES than DIMASH

Posted by Ororeef @ 22:10 on February 2, 2018  

opera 2https://youtu.be/anKmU1J0l9g

The USUAL Suspects

Posted by Ororeef @ 22:07 on February 2, 2018  

Who’s named in the FISA memo? James Comey, Rod Rosenstein and more…

Image: Who’s named in the FISA memo? James Comey, Rod Rosenstein and more…

(Natural News) The just-released “FISA memo” did more than simply detail Obama administration abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by politicized, ranking members of the FBI and Justice Department. It also named names.

The memo noted that on Oct. 21, 2016 the DOJ and FBI sought and received a FISA probable cause order authorizing electronic surveillance on Team Trump campaign official Carter Page. The officials relied on the bogus, unsubstantiated “Trump dossier” in large part to secure the warrant, but also, the memo says, officials relied on media reports from over the summer making allegations of Trump-Russia collusion, none of which have ever been proven.

As CBS News reported:

The FBI and DOJ obtained three FISA warrants targeting Page and three FISA renewals, according to the memo. Then-FBI Director James Comey signed three FISA applications in question on behalf of the FBI, and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one, according to the memo. The memo says then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, then-Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of the DOJ.

There’s more. The memo clearly states that the dossier was a political document — opposition research commissioned by Fusion GPS and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and that everyone involved in approving the FISA court applications knew the document was political research, not hard-and-fast intelligence gathered by legitimate U.S. spies.

So Comey, Rosenstein, Yates, McCabe, and others were clearly in on the conspiracy to frame President Donald J. Trump and his campaign with a bogus “Russia collusion” story.

Former FBI Director Comey, we know, has tried to implicate the president in obstruction of justice during testimony before Congress.

Rosenstein, who remains in his position and was put in charge of this hoax after Attorney General Jeff Sessions foolishly recused himself from it, was the Deep State operative who appointed special counsel Robert Mueller — to investigate a hoax!

Yates, you may recall, was the Justice Department official who refused to defend Trump’s first travel ban.

McCabe, who until Monday was still in his post as the FBI’s deputy director, was the gatekeeper in all of this. And enabler.

The president clearly has reason to be upset. Whatever his next moves are, he will be justified in making them.

J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.

Sources include:


Posted by Ororeef @ 21:53 on February 2, 2018  

Conquest Resources Ltd CQRLF:OTC Pink – Current Information (Common Stock)

Good evening all,

Posted by Middlecreek @ 21:33 on February 2, 2018  

Haven’t posted in a long time, but wanted to comment on this swamp draining effort.

Maddog commented at 16:35 “So why the hell does the best news Trump has ever had, cause an SM meltdown !!!!”

You nailed it.  The bankers and the media are holding the whole dam country hostage.  Trump, with support of the people, is poking the beast in the eye.  So, they showing us they can cause much pain.  Our stocks can be crashed, our pms destroyed, our very lifestyle can be disrupted by these jack asses we have allowed to take control of our money.

Pull the plug Trump.  Quickly now.


Richard640 @ 19:06 on February 2, 2018 Its rather Curious the biggest % GOLD

Posted by Ororeef @ 21:09 on February 2, 2018  

stock upside move is mentioned  NOWHERE ?  “CONQUEST”    (CQRLF)  was up 22.4 % on my Scottrade streaming quotes today…..I mentioned the stock last week,that it came alive after years of nothing …..YET it sits next to the BIGGEST RICHEST mine in the World     GG  ….STOCKCHARTS dosent even list it anymore…?  Low Cap stock  at .0612 per share ?     UP   22.4 %    TODAY when everything was DOWN   ? rather CURIOUS observation…..As recently as DECEMBER 2017 it acquired the Golden Rose mine that had been shuttered since 1940’s during WW2 when the mine grade was .40 OZ per ton ..It did a Private Placement of about $500,000 …..Clic the HOME LINK


In New England It’s Freezing Tonite

Posted by commish @ 20:36 on February 2, 2018  


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.