OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

goldielocks @ 20:00 on February 25, 2018

Posted by Ororeef @ 21:31 on February 25, 2018  

If the High Schoolers want Gun Control  ,give them an ” under 21 referendum”,   to change the AGE to 21 ..If they think they are too immature and too crazy ,to unpredictable they should know !  and those that dont agree with that should support the NRA with their membership .


Posted by Buygold @ 21:08 on February 25, 2018  

Are the elections tonight?

24 hr gold chart

All tis Political crap creates sexual tension ..lighten up

Posted by Ororeef @ 21:07 on February 25, 2018  

Riots Breakout Across Italy Ahead Of General Election (And Markets Are Getting Anxious)

Posted by Maddog @ 20:02 on February 25, 2018  


scum need to win this one and may well employ any and all tactics…..however the movement against them is growing and growing.

A win for 5 Star and the Northern League would bring chaos to the Euro mkts, especially sovereign debt mkts.

Anti NRA companies Boycott List

Posted by goldielocks @ 20:00 on February 25, 2018  

They don’t blame it on the incompetent sherif, don’t blame it on the incompetent FBI just switch the blame to the NRA. Amazing how many gullible people there is out there. Answer is always more Gov even though that Gov continues to fail them.

Anti NRA Companies Boycott List


Posted by goldielocks @ 17:03 on February 25, 2018  

The Venezuelan people have suffered enough because of incompetent corrupt people. They need a new Gov with someone with brains who can stabilize their currency and trade then use the money for infrastructure, jobs and social programs for the ones hit the hardest. Otherwise just more suffering more hunger and more deaths.

Plastic Bags? Some People Simply Don’t Want To Do What Other People Tell Them To Do.

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:03 on February 25, 2018  

Its called freedom. Of which has been dwindling as more European communist ways corrupt and pollute the USA. It can’t be legal or logical or sensible for some gov’t twerps to tell a liquor store owner that he can NOT give away a bag for free? To his good CUSTOMER? For what? Somebody’s dream? Or vendetta? Or revenge? (gun laws)

He HAS to tell the customer to pay 5 cents and its pissing off MANY customers, and they walk out with the bottle in hand rather than pay for a stupid bag fee that is usually included in the overhead costs.

I told the owner to try putting a bowl of pocket change on the counter, and let people help themselves to nickels and dimes to get around it. Ben Franklin I read designed a coin that had stamped on it “Mind Your (own) Business”. There are only two ways to make decisions. One is a common sense practical way, and the other way or method is an emotional way to decide. If you ran a business, it can’t succeed if you constantly use the emotional reasons to decide.

George Carlin Video “Saving The Planet”.

From The Corbett Report

Posted by silverngold @ 14:07 on February 25, 2018  

Venezuela’s New Cryptocurrency Is A Scam

corbettreport (68) in bitcoin •  5 hours ago

by James Corbett
February 24, 2018

A perfectly predictable thing happened when the Great Oil Price Plunge of 2014 pulled the rug out from Venezuela’s oilconomy: Foreign creditors stopped lending to Venezuela, the debt-saddled government devalued the currency to cover budget deficits, inflation spiraled out of control (entering a death spiral last November), and, perhaps inevitably, the government defaulted on some of its $US bonds. (And all this amidst devastating US sanctions of the country).

The result, as anyone who has been even casually following the headlines coming out of Venezuela has no doubt noted, has also been predictable: Chaos. Pandemonium. Desperation. People eating zoo animals. As I say, we’ve all heard the horror stories.

Another predictable outcome of this economic collapse: People started turning away from the bolivar and the increasingly-pricey US dollar as their preferred medium of exchange.

But here’s where things get interesting. When faced with this crisis, Venezuelans didn’t trade in their increasingly worthless government-issued fiat for gold and silver and other precious metals, but bitcoin. That’s right, as the prices started to rocket out of the stratosphere, people found the loophole in the system (as they always do). Everything you need to survive in Venezuela is now cripplingly expensive: Food, clothing, medicine. But not electricity. Because of the country’s socialist policies, electricity is practically free. And practically free electricity in an inflation-ravaged country in this day and age can mean only one thing: Bitcoin mining!

And so it was that thousands of Venezuelans took to mining the cryptocurrency just as it was rocketing toward all-time highs, with a miner running powerful enough equipment able to make as much as $500/month via the operation, a small fortune in Venezuela in the early part of 2017 and a sizable fortune today.

Unsurprisingly, the government reacted to this development in the way that tyrants always react when a threat arises to their monopoly of power: They cracked down. In this case, the crackdown took the form of arrests and show trials of bitcoin miners, and now a national registry for all cryptocurrency miners (which, as you might imagine, is not being taken very seriously by the kinds of people who are turning to a central bank-less, borderless, decentralized online currency in the first place).

And now the Venezuelan government is pulling another tool out of its totalitarian toolbox. In the spirit of “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” the government of Venezuela has just launched its very own cryptocurrency, the “Petro.” And while you’re still wrapping your head around that, there are reports that there’s a second cryptocurrency on the way next week!

As James Evan Pilato is often heard to remark on his own podcast: “What could go right?”

Yes, cryptocurrency, that electronic payment innovation that was specifically brought into the world on the back of its promise to circumvent the central banks and their fiat funny money regime is now being used by central banks to raise more fiat funny money to fund their nation’s regime. (Exactly as predicted, I might add.)

Specifically, Caracas is hoping to raise US$5 billion from the intitial sale of Petro tokens, and if the first day of pre-sale for the new currency is anything to go by, they’re off to a good start. A $735 million start, if Venezuelan President Maduro is to be believed.

So what’s the Petro’s selling point? From the Petro’s whitepaper:

Petro (PTR) will be a sovereign crypto asset backed by oil assets and issued by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on a blockchain platform. Its launch will spearhead the promotion of an independent, transparent digital economy, open to direct citizen participation, which will serve as a platform for the development of crypto assets and innovation in Venezuela and other emerging countries with great potential.

Oooh, a “crypto asset” which is backed by a perennially valued commodity? Sounds amazing! Where do I sign up?!

Wait, do you think we should read the fine print? Oh, OK. So, what exactly does “backed by oil assets” mean, then? Well, as the very next section of the whitepaper makes clear, it means absolutely nothing!

It [the Petro] may be used to purchase goods or services and will be redeemable for fiat money and other crypto assets or cryptocurrencies through digital exchange houses.

Ah, right, so this “crypto asset” is “backed by oil assets” and redeemable in…fiat and other crypto assets? I want my oil, dammit! But hey, “The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela guarantees that it will accept Petro’s [sic] as a form of payment of national taxes, fees, contributions and public services, taking as a reference the price of the barrel of the Venezuelan [oil] basket [sic] of the previous day with a percentage discount.” So I guess you can take solace when paying your taxes in Petros that the value of your coin is tied to the price of oil. Right?

Oh, and there’s that pesky little issue of government surveillance of the whole economy. I mean, to actually hold Petros you’ll need a government-developed, government-issued Petro wallet, which will of course tie every transaction you ever make with the coin back to you personally! And all of this lovingly presided over by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela!

Of course, such a wonderful deal does come with some restrictions…

However, it should be noted that digital exchange houses will play a fundamental role in monitoring the prevention of illicit activities and combating money laundering, thus constituting the ideal means for commercial, industrial and business activities of international trade in which Petro interacts with fiduciary coins or other cryptoassets or cryptocurrencies.

So, what are we left with? A state-issued scam coin that is not “backed by oil” but by the government’s willingness to accept it for taxes and “services” (in Venezuela only, of course) and which will help Venezuelan tax collectors track down every transaction in the country’s digital economy. In other words, a $735 million-in-one-day hit with investors.

Still interested? Then you’re in luck, because Maduro has now promised to duplicate the scam! Enter “Petro Oro,” which, as you might have guessed from the name, will (not) be “backed by gold” in the same way the Petro is (not) “backed by oil.”

Now there may be money to be made here for crypto investors who are looking to do a quick flip on a fast rising coin, or at least a hot pre-sale token. But I care about making a quick buck in the crypto markets even less than I care about making a quick buck on the central bank-pumped phoney baloney stock market. As always, buyer beware…especially since the legal status of Americans buying this Venezuelan state-issued “asset” is very much up in the air. The SEC might not take kindly to US dollars going to the sanctioned Venezuelan government, and since there’s even less anonymity associated with the Petro then there is in most online activity, a knock on the door from the fuzz is not out of the question for American investors.

But the bottom line is that this is not a revolution in government finance or a bold new move to subvert the supremacy of the US dollar. Instead, it is exactly in line with what the oligarchs are greedily lusting after: The complete subversion of the cryptocurrency movement into a central bank-issued, government surveilled police state tool.

Happy investing!

Portugeezer Plastic

Posted by goldielocks @ 11:51 on February 25, 2018  

At least they aren’t just using it for another way to squeeze money out of people. I think in Calif there was a fight between those who wanted them and those who didn’t so they decided a middle ground so to speak that if you did want them you have to pay for them.
But then they’re not really serious it just turned into another money making scheme. If you use your own bags over and over it’s best to get the washable kind because different kinds of bacteria can build up in them especially when dealing with fresh produce. I have color coded cloth bags to keep meats I’m trying to cut down anyways separated from fresh produce. When I remember to bring them.

Silver Train

Posted by Maya @ 3:40 on February 25, 2018  


The California Zephyr… it says so right on the car!


I can get plenty of bad character references

Posted by Maya @ 3:37 on February 25, 2018  

And for $100k I can fail a background check easy!

I drink Russian Vodka, too.

Mr Copper

Posted by goldielocks @ 2:10 on February 25, 2018  

Yes he was to inherit. He did live in a mobile but he as a violent nightmare so he wound up at another friends house. They were apparently unaware what went on before. They knew he had guns and the dad made him buy a safe in which the dad had the key and wouldn’t give access but was a bit naïeve considering thing he was I think retired CIA or FBI or something that there was only one key as they come with two. He said Nik must of had another one.

The problem with rewards for reporting people is abuse and incompetence. So and so down the street is mad at you or whoever and decides to call them up.
Plus there was psych abuse before and why all the asylums of many closed down. A guy could get away with putting his wife in one when imfact it was him abusing her that sort of things going on. Crooked cops relatives on and on. They’re still around but for severe conditions.
Yes he was on drugs for mood swings as people guessed but people want to blame the drugs. In some cases drugs can cause irrational behavior but many cases it’s the persons abnormal condition or violent behavior that was the reason in the first place that never got addressed. He was off his drugs at the time. Too much drugs although in some cases needed, not enough counseling. Was he bipolar they called mood swings. Where they could be passive like he’s seen in court then throw a 360 into a msmaic episode who knows.
I also suspect vaccines in this rise of autism hes said to have.
There are many people out their with some sort of abnormal psychological conditions I’m guessing mostly democrats lol and you can’t control them all.
There are also those who will copy cat.
It’s more than just the lack of shows we used to watch as many were violent then aside from mom and pop shows.
Look at CNN, Hilary, movie stars holding a picture of a severed head of Trump, a prior fake President down playing killers, media, even prior fake Vice President Biden saying he would like to box Trump or something. Like I said there’s a lot of abnormal behaviors out there. All these are bad influences kids are seeing.
So you can’t control all people but you can control who gets in your kids school.
In Israel they don’t have that problem because they have better security plus at least s fifth of the school is armed and they don’t know who.
That’s what they’re bringing up now. Gov Brown here in Commieforna sighed a bill Teachers can’t shoot back to save their kids life. I don’t think I’d obey this orders.

Now we find there was four deputies at the school and all stayed outside. Don’t you think that’s kind of funny! Then that so called head Sherrif is trying to blame shift away from him. Could it be he told or trained them to stand down till enough backup. I’d live to see what their policy was and the conversations going on. That Sherrif buddies with Hitlery and Bernie then turned on the NRA. He’s promoting gun control. Everybody’s fault but his.
NRA had no direct control of what happened but he did and failed along with the FBI, Blsme shift game he should be fired. The AUDACITY OF HIM TELLS KG THE NRA LADY THAT SHE WAS NOT STANDIKG UP FOR THEM ” the people. REALLY!! NOT YOU AMD YOUR SHERIFF OFFICE YOUR RESPONSIBLE FOR WHO STANDS BEHIND CEMENT WALLS WHOS JOB WAS TO PROTECT THEM IS NOT STANDING UP FOR THEM. Blaming the NRA would be like blaming the contractor for fertilizer being the reason someone made a bomb out of it.
As far as plastic bags it’s just another way to get money from people another way to squeeze the very last Nickle or her dime. If they were really worried about the plastic why don’t they just go all paper and what environmental difference is it making when you can just buy them. Just more money for them that’s all.

Buygold @ 16:13 SICK!! The Whole Agenda. How can people be so blind to not see it for what it is??????????

Posted by silverngold @ 21:46 on February 24, 2018  

Goldi 8 hundred thousand ?? Who said that?

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 21:44 on February 24, 2018  

I thought after his parents died he had to live with someone in a trailer, and when he came home with the gun, she didn’t want it in the house, that it was him or the gun, so he left with the gun.

I still think MONEY is the only possible solution. Rewards for people that live with or know of nut jobs and report them. Even if the gov’t has to open free walk in “shrinks” like the walk in Doctors offices popping up all over.

The bottom line is they have to think of ways to kill the motivation to kill. Trying to “mechanically” prevent or block the killings is ridiculous. We never had killings like this decades ago. I blame the invisible leadership that molds and shapes peoples minds, and habits.

The old invisible leadership gave us Ozzie and Harriet, and no view of Elvis below the waste. The newer leadership taught us anything goes, sex drugs and alcohol. Love your illegal immigrants, love gays, love transgenders,  love imports, love the whales, hug the trees, geez it never ends.

A “couple”  idiots just got away with passing a law here to discourage people from using plastic bags, at the super market by charging 5 cents each. They want us to change our ways, bring in your own reusable canvas bags.

Control freaks, disciplinarians I call them. They don’t like gas guzzling SUVs, they will never own one, and they don’t want YOU to own one. They don’t like guns, they will never own a gun, and they don’t want YOU to own one. It never stops, they are never satisfied.

mr copper, maya, 15:01

Posted by treefrog @ 21:30 on February 24, 2018  

if you need bad character references, i can refer you to some of my ex-wife’s friends.

Mr Copper

Posted by goldielocks @ 18:19 on February 24, 2018  

Just give the 100K We all have been feeling depressed lately with the PM market so put us on the list. Lol
Money alone not gonna do it. Cruz was set to inherit 8 hundred thousand yet he did what he did anyways.

@Farmboy, Good Post since ’01 Gold up 418% Dow up 141%

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 16:19 on February 24, 2018  

Just last week I put together a relative performance comparison chart like that, but started it around 2001 when Gold was around $250/oz.

2/20/01 Gold bottom $256 + 418% = $1328 today.

2/20/01 Dow 10,500 + 141% = 25310 today.

Silverngold – Florida H.S. Shootings – Look at all the connections

Posted by Buygold @ 16:13 on February 24, 2018  

March for Our Lives’
Is The Spearhead For A CIA Coup


@Maya, :) You will need bad character references, and fail a background check.

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:01 on February 24, 2018  

I realized that after posting. Some people would lie. It would have to be low profile. Maybe they can do something private like the witness protection program, or a lie detector test. I would not be surprised to see it happen in 20-30 years.

I have had many ideas in the past, that happened 30 years later. I’ve been told by friends, “Your always right but 20 years too soon.” For one? In the late ’60s early 1970s, I sold my 1969 Camaro, (too small with kids) I started driving Chevy vans for travel, rode the parkways, and was astounded how far ahead I could see and how safe I felt.

Then I thought…Why don’t the cops drive SUVs?? If on a chase they can see far ahead. If a motorist is stuck in snow the trooper can pull him out. Plus the trooper would never get stuck. DECADES later I see troopers and cops in SUVs. Ford Explorers lately.

I also knew in the 1970s that suppressing wages, busting labor unions, and increasing imports was bad for the future, (good for other countries) and here we are, $20 trillion national debt, and TPTB media are constantly concerned about stagnant wages.

Three charts that show gold is going to $1,400

Posted by Farmboy @ 14:44 on February 24, 2018  


Mr.Copper @ 14:27 – I would apply… over and over.

Posted by Maya @ 14:35 on February 24, 2018  

How long before every person in the country applies for the ‘program’?

It will never work.

Stopping These Hopeless Lunatic Mass Shooters Requires Money

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:27 on February 24, 2018  

Its that simple. When they see a potential killer, or just let it be known, that if a person is depressed and suicidal, feels he has no hope for the future, no chance or skill for a decent paying job, no chance of even getting a girlfriend, or ever getting married and having kids?

Just give them $100,000 each, to start, advise them….” You don’t need kill anybody, then kill yourself or live in jail. Go out, buy yourself a car, get yourself a little apartment,

take some trips around the country, maybe take up an interesting or fun hobby enjoy life. If or when the money runs out, and you feel depressed again, give us a call, and we’ll cut you another check. ”

This would be the cheapest solution, and tons of money would be saved versus all the expenses for security, all the losses sustained from regulations and enforcement, losses in firearms and related businesses etc etc etc.



The Corbett Report, dealing with something that affects us daily. Very interesting!!

Posted by silverngold @ 14:13 on February 24, 2018  



Posted by ipso facto @ 14:09 on February 24, 2018  

“Piracy” Yeah that or WAR. Dangerous business.

Re Stopping Ships, Blockading, Isn’t That What They/we Did To Japan First? Then Japan Attacked Pearl Harbor?

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 13:04 on February 24, 2018  

If “they” are looking to start a war, it must be because they think a growing global economic depression of some kind is starting to unfold. I see lots of unneeded public works projects going on for years.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.