OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

S&P goes negative = slaughter PM stox…..

Posted by Maddog @ 9:38 on March 1, 2018  

Richard640 @ 8:46

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 9:34 on March 1, 2018  

That post is sounding like 2000 again. Commodities were at a 20 year low after the highs of 1980. Papa Bush had to put a tariff on steel and lumber. Until their lowered dollar kicked in to raise the prices. Remember? This time its Trump and tariffs.

Funny thing. If commodities go up because of a shortage that’s good. Natural market forces. But if they just make the prices “mathematically” higher, that’s bad because its NOT natural, and producers will over invest and over produce, some people will use less, and bingo, a surplus and falling prices again.

I REALLY think they, TPTB need to give capitalism a CHANCE, and stop playing games, stop thinking they know better than the Invisible Hand of capitalism. They always interfere, and screw things up, distortions.

Also if commodities go higher, leading to consumer products going higher, together with flat wages, could net a slowdown in consumer spending.


Posted by Maddog @ 9:30 on March 1, 2018  


So that makes another heavy hitter about to discover that the scum won’t allow him to make any money being logical, if he goes into PM’s……eg Dalio is watching his Gold possy sink by the day, tks to the scum…which is all that stands between PM’s going way up.

At some point one or more of these guys is gonna, ask the question publicly….and it will make for a huge gain v fast, so the temptation has to be growing.

I think they just shutdown the flow of investment funds into their country

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:08 on March 1, 2018  

“Time For Reconciliation Is Over” – South Africa Votes To Confiscate White-Owned Land



Posted by goldielocks @ 8:53 on March 1, 2018  

Now people are getting RVs but come with costs. If left out in the sun affects the roof, up keeps plus paces to store them of they’re big plus you have to hitch them and drive them with small area turn around on and on. So that’s the way to go. I thought about that interesting to see how it’s done. Only problem I see is generally you keep food in the car or van bears smell it a mile away and now visiting your car tent. lol I’ve heard bears outside at night walk right past the tent sniff around the fireplace away from the tent then head to the car sniffing around and heard one jump up hearing him or her putting his claws on the window then headed off to the lake thank goodness. I was younger then and just caught a bunch of fish for everyone we cooked that night so guessing that’s what they picked up on.
Good thing if they do try to get into the tent you can climb in the car Jeep the keys around it take off.
I remember one family had a camper were in the camper they tore the back door off the camper but they could climb through to the front and drive off minus a door.
Did you ever see that video of that guy fishing was dealing one in and this bear walked up to him stat next to him watching him. When he pulled it in he handed the bear a fish and the bear walked off. I’m thinking they’re getting smart. They wait for you to do the fishing for them.

Goll Dangit-!! [pardon my language but I’m excited]=I’m tellin ya that we’re gonna see a replay of the 1970s…but I don’t expect gold to dilly-dally around for 10 yrs

Posted by Richard640 @ 8:46 on March 1, 2018  

before making a move to 2500-3500…

An Apocalyptic Paul Tudor Jones Warns The Fed Is About To Lose Control

In a striking interview with Goldman’s Allison Nathan, legendary trader Paul Tudor Jones argues that US inflation is set to accelerate sharply, making bonds a very poor investment, and that the Fed must act swiftly to tackle financial bubbles created by prolonged monetary easing.
When would Tudor buy stocks? “When would I want to buy stocks? When the deficit is 2%, not 5%, and when real short-term rates are 100bp, not negative“… in other words not for a while.
So what is he buying: “I want to own commodities, hard assets, and cash… The S&P GSCI index is up more than 65% from its trough two years ago. In fact, relative to financial assets, the GSCI is at one of its lowest points in history.
That has historically been resolved by commodities putting on a stunner of a show, stoking inflation. I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened again.
In other words, PTJ and Gundlach agree on two things: stay away from bonds, and buy commodities.
But the most notable part of the interview, and where PTJ’s most apocalyptic sentiment shines through, is his description of where he sees Fed Chair Powell right now: as General Custer before the Battle of Little Big Horn, a battle which – at least in the history books – was lost.


Another Day

Posted by Buygold @ 7:10 on March 1, 2018  

Another ass-whippin’

Silver Train

Posted by Maya @ 2:14 on March 1, 2018  


Riding the Silver Train thru the Rockies


First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 and Year End 2017

Posted by ipso facto @ 1:09 on March 1, 2018  


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.