OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 21:06 on March 24, 2018  

So far so good in what he can do without congress. Fortunately this wasn’t a bill so we’ll see now.

goldi re: 16:44

Posted by treefrog @ 20:56 on March 24, 2018  

i like it!  i hope it turns out like that.26047362_1606355456122140_133584390879958735_n

COTs—these stats on Friday are 2 or 3 days old-why didn’t silver do better friday-? still, silver may launch…

Posted by Richard640 @ 19:55 on March 24, 2018  

Commitment of Traders Report


*The large specs decreased their long positions by 2,894 contracts and increased their shorts by 12,569 contracts.

*The commercials increased their longs by 8,728 contracts and reduced their shorts by 6,846 contracts.

*The small specs increased their longs by 2,184 contracts and increased their shorts by 2,285 contracts.


*The large specs reduced their long positions by 10,549 contracts and increased their shorts by 8,668 contracts.

*The commercials increased their longs by 11,703 contracts and reduced their shorts by 9,837 contracts.

*The small specs decreased their longs by 1,708 contracts and increased their shorts by 615 contracts.

Well, from a theoretical standpoint and the way most will view that report, it is about as bullish as it ever gets. The shift in the silver large specs/commercials is as dramatic as it gets. And based on the open interest changes it should be more so as of yesterday.

Comments and input

*Trader Rog…

to bill from roger

hi bill,
it’s 4:00 and i just looked at the COT report.
i’m both in shock and disbelief. maybe it all just
some kind of mistake.
the commercials dropped 15,564 shorts and are
now only net short 709 contracts. if this is true,
it means the silver manipulation is over and the
price of silver can go to pluto.
i’m sure you’ll cover this one today.
i dumped my silver shorts at break even
at 10:00 this morning. it was finally a “good


With reckless abandon and unconscionable spine, BUY silver…

Posted by Richard640 @ 19:50 on March 24, 2018  

Gold and gold Miners
Friday, March 23, 2018

Michael J. Ballanger

With reckless abandon and unconscionable spine, BUY silver…

Would it be that a picture is worth a thousand words? In the case of the graphics posted below, in a word, YES! Look at the positioning of the mighty Commercial Traders, who rarely lose money and who operate under the blinded eye of regulatory oversight and governmental sanctuary. As of last Tuesday, the most powerful group of traders ever to operate under the watchful eye of the Working Group on Capital Market had wiggled their collective arses out of a massive 41,497-contract short position in silver on January 23rd and arrived in full regalia this week short a mere 3,709 contracts. To provide some modicum of perspective, the Commercials were short a notional amount of silver that would correspond to 207,485,000 ounces of silver worth $3.3 BILLION at the $16.20 per ounce benchmark on January 23rd and are now short a notional 18,545,000 ounces of silver worth a paltry $300,429,000. In other words, the Commercials Cretins covered $3 billion worth of fantasy-land silver shorts in a mere eight weeks, the nature of which represented nearly 25% of world silver production in 2017 (885.8m ounces). But don’t let your emotional extremities get twisted into a tangled knot of outrage and indignation, we have seen this movie all too often before and the only reaction worthy of note is to go out and buy silver with both fists.

Are any of you actually LOOKING at this? Is my typing and ranting having ANY impact on your sensibilities or are you all simply content to count your wealth and tell war stories from the past? Is my opining a mere reminder of your fifth-grade teacher doing her octagenarian-best to help you to understand why “I before E except after C” makes any sense? The silver market is – RIGHT NOW – exactly where it was in 2001. It is absolutely PRIMED for a massive move to the upside and while it underperformed gold on Friday and is still worth less than one-eighieth its price, the behavior of the Commercial traders confirms an impending if not unexpected thrashing of the Large Speculators in the near future and in doing so, sets up an decent trading opportunity for all of us. I now have 60% positions bought in the SLV April $14 calls and am looking for a move through $17 to confirm the validity of the trade (and add the remaining 40%).

As for gold, while the COT structure is less than compelling relative to silver, gold’s tape action is simply superb, thrice rejecting downside probes beneath $1,310 and now solidly approaching the magical $1,360-1,370 “resistance zone”. I will refrain from going off on yet another tirade against trusting “technical breakouts” for gold and silver but what I WILL be doing is watching the commercials like a hawk if, as, and when gold probes that upper resistance zone which remains most formidable and has for years. It almost touched $1,400 back in 2014 but each test since then has been rejected at $1,360-1,370 so while I am a cynic in trading bullish breakouts, I suspect that, as I wrote back in January, something did indeed change in the December-January rally and I think that statement will be borne out with a successful assault on $1,400 followed by the surpassing of that ominous 2013 breakdown level of $1,525 later in 2018.

Still stunned by these silver COT numbers – look at the commercial longs vs. shorts

Posted by Buygold @ 18:09 on March 24, 2018  

SILVER – COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.                                                                        Code-084691
Commitments of Traders – Futures Only, March 20, 2018
:   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
:—————————————————————————————-     Positions
:   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
: Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
:          : (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 TROY OUNCES)                                           :
:          :                                                                            :
All  :   216,042:    63,813     76,329     36,415     84,080     87,789    184,308    200,533:    31,734     15,509
Old  :   216,042:    63,813     76,329     36,415     84,080     87,789    184,308    200,533:    31,734     15,509
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
:          :                                                                            :
:          :          Changes in Commitments from: March 13, 2018                       :
:    15,948:    -2,894     12,569      7,940      8,718     -6,846     13,764     13,663:     2,184      2,285
:          :                                                                            :
:          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      29.5       35.3       16.9       38.9       40.6       85.3       92.8:      14.7        7.2
Old  :     100.0:      29.5       35.3       16.9       38.9       40.6       85.3       92.8:      14.7        7.2
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
:          :                                                                            :
:# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       236:       104         63         44         46         36        170        130:
Old  :       236:       104         63         44         46         36        170        130:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:

Friend of a friend.

Posted by goldielocks @ 16:44 on March 24, 2018  

Trump has options I hadn’t considered since it is not a budget.

Stolen from a friend:

It’s not an official ‘Federal Budget’. It’s an Omnibus bill…not a Budget…He outsmarted them again…Congress basically screwed themselves by not passing a Budget…

Per the Constitution…the President must adhere to a Budget set forth by Congress and direct the expenditures as provided therein.

This is another one of those big Porkulus Bills, like they gave Obama for 8 years. This is not a Budget..

An Omnibus Spending Bill may have some ‘instructions’ as to how the money will be spent…but Obama ignored them.
He spent the money, or didn’t spend it, however he wanted to.
And Congress didn’t do a thing about it! Because they couldn’t..

I think our President observed how this happened, year after year.
He is bound to realize that those ‘appropriations’ for different things in these Omnibus bills…are merely ‘suggestions’.

So like Obama, Pres Trump can spend this money on whatever he wants to.
Or…not spend it.

Planned Parenthood?
What if our President decided to tell the Treas Dept to ‘slow-walk’ that money to Planned Parenthood…until the Senate gets off their ass and confirms his appointees?

Sanctuary Cities?
What if our President decided to ‘slow-walk’ that money too…until those Sanctuary Cities assist ICE in rounding up criminal illegal aliens?

Splodey heads? From the Dems and the Enemedia?
Why yes.
There would be a colorful display of splodey heads.

But what could they do about it.

Our President could just say…’What! Congress should’ve passed a Budget.’

done finished…research was done…and it is so very humorous actually….our VSG..just said just give me money for the military and the wall…put anything else you want in it…and those goofballs did.

In this case, as per above….he doesn’t have to spend a dime….because it is not a budget…and even if it was…researched….he could still spend as he please…
Congress appropriates….up to the President to spend it…or not….as he pleases..

If anyone disagrees, I can go back and get the links and evidence, but if you just read yesterdays political thread…Wheatietoo and I laid it all out for all…Wheatietoo did most of the work and put together the consolidated update as per above….

Again, that is why Obama never had a Budget in his Presidency…Congress did continual Omibus’s and he just took the money….for 8 years…and no one seems to know where it went…

Re The Dow and SnP, Were Supposed To Go Into Correction In 2016

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:00 on March 24, 2018  

Dow topped off and started showing bad down side break outs during mid 2015 and early 2016. It could not eke  out a new high for over a year until mid ’16 after Trump started campaigning, and predicted a lot of positive things.

Dow hit the 200 dma in early ’16. So, the entire Dow climb from ’16 to ’18 was an accident, not supposed to happen, and it aborted and delayed the 2015 correction.  So, this new correction has a LOT of catching up to do going down.

There are two ways to figure things. One is using precision charting, like a sight on a recurve bow, or instinct, like shooting the bow without a sight. Or golf or basket ball, no precision sights.

Dow 2015 top: http://schrts.co/8ARD8v

Dow chart longer term showing the March 2000-2003 crash, 2007 – 2009 crash, the aborted 2015 crash, and the 2015 crash resuming itself in Feb 2018.


Siverboom… thank you

Posted by NEMO @ 13:58 on March 24, 2018  

Was booted out from Fullys site, so I could not give “Graddhy´s” new link.


All the best,


https://tinyurl.com/y8k3d443 go to this url for the entire report & video talks-for some reason this link won’t paste into the window below

Posted by Richard640 @ 13:26 on March 24, 2018  

Gold Breakout & Stock Market Crash

Morris Hubbartt
Super Force Precious Metals Video Analysis
posted Mar 23, 2018

Here are today’s videos and charts (double click to enlarge):

SFS Key Charts & Video Update


Posted by goldielocks @ 13:25 on March 24, 2018  

The Donald has already seized the funds for discretionary spending.

the last time Friday was a down day, was the beginning of wave 3 of 1 down. Yesterday and today mark the beginning of wave 3 of 3 down. Which is what makes it the Lehman wave:

Posted by Richard640 @ 10:43 on March 24, 2018  

Friday, March 23, 2018

THIS Is Lehman 2018

This was a seminal week. For the first time in decades, the U.S. economy was placed ahead of the stock market. Unfortunately, gamblers didn’t de-risk in time…

Here comes a good lesson delivered by my new friend Donny, to those gamblers who elected a proven con man for president under the auspice that he would be fucking everyone else on the planet, except his own wife. In other words, he’s the *new* Christian, beloved by all of the sanctimonious hypocrites. 

In con man parlance this is known as “the bait and switch”. It can be costly for any dunce who falls for it:

As I was saying in my prior post, the last time Friday was a down day, was the beginning of wave 3 of 1 down. Yesterday and today mark the beginning of wave 3 of 3 down. Which is what makes it the Lehman wave:

The Nasdaq’s island reversal of fortune and resulting break of the two year trend-line

aka. Mega bull trap:

Growing Poverty Causes Growing Socialism

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 10:40 on March 24, 2018  

Importing foreign made products increased poverty in the USA, which in turn brought more socialism to the USA. It’s just that simple. The USA used to be the only capitalist country on a socialist planet. Importing more than exporting is socialism, redistributing wealth from a “have”  country to a “have not” country. After decades, the have country ends up dragged into the socialist swamp. There are no more capitalist countries on the planet. Only global corporations are a splintered capitalist “country”. Unfortunately for them, they won too much and nothin left to win. Short big global corporations, it’s pretty much over for them the way I see it.

I just heard that there is funding for sanctuary city in this bill-the republicans are finished

Posted by Richard640 @ 9:10 on March 24, 2018  

the u.s. survived 2 world wars and a depression…but it won’t survive this final step into socialism/communism…the conversion to socialism began under Prez Johnson with the “war on poverty”–the past 40-50 yrs the u.s. has become the most socialist country on earth…the endgame is upon us…the left is all about ALIENATION….primarily from ONESELF if you’re caucasian–hate your race-hate the founding fathers-the constitution–the cultural institutions–love any another culture/religion but your own…

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.