a new car sold for $100 by a distressed seller who probably paid $500 for it,in todays currency Ratio that car sells for $35000,look at that ratio !Using the same ratio Gold should be at 12,250 as it was $35 at that time.
So it seems Dow could drop to 2600…that would be depression levels factors of 10 x.Its all happened before !
I removed part of the post because Gold was FIXED for part of the time artificially and probably was a cause of the depression extending for so long.NOT pricing Gold freely kept us in the Depression because the Bankers wanted the Dollar to be as good as Gold ..they got what they wanted ! We did not need to go through all that misery if they priced Gold properly .Everything is measured relatively to Gold so we ended in a prolonged depression because they fixed Gold at $35.00 ,a terrible mistake.!They are doing the same mistake now ,they wont admit holding Gold at $1350 is a mistake ,but they cant seem to get out of RECESSIONS …They find it impossible to inflate ,I wonder why ? Could it be everything is priced RELATIVE to Gold ? Dumb bastards…Let Gold rise 3% a year and you get 3% inflation ..What part dont they understand ?
Thats why 5% interest rates will drop the economy into recessions ….somebody gets screwed in that zero sum game..If 2 % inflation is your goal ,let Gold rise 2% per year and keep Int Rates at 2-3 % to regulate.
Fire the Treasury Secretary and the Federal Reserve let a computer regulate it…