everything just exploded with consumer goods,storm windows were a luxury ,consumer goods ,plastic goods were just invented ,a telephone 5 Party line…TV an 11 inch black & white Philco …wow !new cars (none made during the war..Everybody had money because women worked,all the men were in uniform .No consumer goods until the war ended. everybody worked every teenager had a job ..they were a needed labor supply.
After the war every 17 year old had money to buy a car ..and they did .No houses built during the war ,so housing exploded with all those guys coming home and looking to get married ,and buy a ROW house .
Everybody had money ,the GI bill made it possible for every GI to buy a house (small slab foundation)….
There was almost NO crime because if you did and got caught the JUDGE gave you a choice ..GO to jail or join the ARMY..! Thet was a good idea,it made men out of most of them real fast ….!