foreign secretary has LIED to us about the source of the supposed Russian nerve agent.He had no PROOF the Russians did it and he said their Lab had evidence they did which was an all out LIE ,NOW the LAb denies they ever said that.. So know we have our supposed friends lying to us about the Russians.
The Brits had better issue a retraction and MAY had better get control of that Johnson neanderthal ..
Its bad enough that LONDON is controlled by the Banksters ,now London is losing credibility with America because of it .Trump must have smelled a RAT and thats why he wants to find out for himself by meeting Putin .Trump has GOOD instincts and he’s almost always right….The Banksters run LONDON Financial everything and you cant have a Republic run by Banksters and Rothschilds and remain free .Now America distrusts the British so called ally Government. MAY needs to RESIGN !