Someone ” a American ” I know much more in the know about them than most of us.. Assad may not be as innocent as we may think. He didn’t say he did it but should be investigated. After I said that’s hard to do because those who do may not survive being there. He said this which is a eye opener so sharing it with you. I asked him to publically post what he knows to enlighten people but he’s kinda a private person like me lol so no names.
If there is a dispute on who did what to whom then on sight is necessary. Christian population has decreased significantly % wise since 1920. The Christians and Jews are or were part of the elite in Syria holding some high positions and comprising about 12% and Sunnis 70%. Assad being Shiite with little percentage needed the Christians. Assad’s father started the hard ball reign and Assad carried it forward. When Assad pulled up close to Iran, Hezbollah and Russia they turned on Christians (didn’t need them anymore). The Islamic religion is what it is and when in control kill all those committing blasphemy.
not to say that all Islamics have a negative effect on Christians especially when they are in large groups.