Too Funny! 🙂
Gold Train
It must be gold… it’s at the end of the rainbow!
buygold, 17:50
image not coming through
My boy over at Ponzi World’s on fire today!
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Bullshit Trap
No reason to believe your mates might may be wrong.
Us goldbugs have been waiting for a “no quote” offering.
No quote for the SM is good for me – I just want to know what gold will be worth.
Maddog–I wouldn’t be surprise to see no quotes some day
Today wasn’t bad at all for these 2 indexes considering-coulda been much worse…
The XAU fell .93 to 82.76. The HUI lost 2.51 to 180.42, but held support at 180.
From Pops
Medicare Plan G
Seems there is late day selling around, called Smart money by some, could well be right.
The trend is changing….Ewave says we are in a 5th of 5th etc, we see huge volatility, which is a classic sign of a top forming. The leaders are being taken out and shot…..nothing dramatic yet, but one day soon it all goes ape.
Two of my old trading mates reckon we could wake up to no quotes in loads of mkts one day soon…..and these guys have seen over 80 years between them…..such is the complacency…today was a classic…war……what war…’s a bull mkt…BTFD.
I just can’t pass up a clearance sale-comex gold futs and gold stocks/etfs–as expected-closed on their low..
I never buy on these kind of days because there is usually carry over selling the next day…that is usually the time to buy–even though there is no guarantee the selling has run its course–but given the geo-political and the domestic political situation I thunk it prudent to have some PM inventory in my empty cupboard…any other like-minded, demented, individuals on this forum pick up some merchandise?
04/12/2018 15:54:58 | Bought 80 JNUG Apr 20 2018 15.0 Call @ 0.42 |
Re TZA and Dow SnP
Yeah, looks like I got the TZA calls too early as well. Failed to take into account the last hour ramp that occurs on a daily basis.
Looks like we’re also getting the last hour beatdown in pm’s right on schedule.
re something else
I bought Oil tdy and got too early, plus went long rates on Bonds, as they look to have another run in them.
All makes perfect sense to me.
I see no reason for the SM not to explode higher today.
ZH snuck in an article about rising rates blowing up our deficits and debt. I wonder if that will ever matter to gold?
Just another day in a world gone nuts.
What the hell, just bought some TZA calls that expire next week. We’ll see if todays melt up turns into a meltdown the next few days. Try something besides pm’s.
scum hard at work today
For the last 19 hrs gold bar chart has had 3 up bars and they were minimal….they sure are in full attack mode.
Re 8 sites
Well that makes plenty of sense, that PM’s should be hit ALL day and the SM/Dow 330 up and counting…what chance has WW III got of ending the bull mkt, clearly none.
If there is anyone left on the planet to write up the history of these times, they won’t know which section to put the book in, fiction or comedy, no one would believe it if it was in history.
Maddog, R640
Maddog – CNBS reporting that Trump is going to target 8 sites in Syria. All he has to do now is tell them which sites on what day and time. Really weird.
That being said, even though the metals can’t get off the floor the shares seem to have caught a little air.
R640 – yeah they’ve got the metals pinned down, USD doesn’t matter when they’ve made up their minds to smack the metals.
Earl is still up on the Day
not everything is working for the scum, here at all.
Buygold–the $ is .205 off it’s high and still up .212–I agree with u though–gold is super-glued to the lows of the day
after a big up day and a big reversal like today, I can’t remember seeing an intra-day recovery…but I may dabble in some april 20 $14.50 JNUG calls near the close today–also tomorrow is Friday and weekend worries might put a bid into gold—-also the $ may be down–probably not much–overnite which might then allow for a recovery tomorrow…I’ll have to see how the rest of the session unfolds and what the stock mkt does too…
DYOD-IMHO-get a note from Mom saying it’s OK etc.etc
So typical
The USD is drifting towards flat after moving up hard this am
PM’s haven’t recovered a dime as the USD starts to selloff
Gold_Titan – I have a hard time seeing things change too.
Pump and Dump
This has been going for a long time now , I don’t think it will ever stop , the commercials just set a band and trade the hell out of it, just skinning gold bugs and small traders, while Dow to the moon.