Today’s quake swarm…
Ham radio buddy works security at the local village marketplace. About 4am a car pulls into the lot and parks. Upon talking to the driver, he said he lives off-grid out near Cape Kumukahi and the house was trembling and shaking near continuously so he couldn’t sleep. Drove ten miles thru the jungle to park at the store to take a nap without fear of a lava eruption. Well founded fears. In 1960 a large crater opened up near Kapoho and flowed out to the seashore at the tip of the Cape. With all the shake activity moved out near the east end of the rift, it looks like the area could erupt again.
Another ham radio buddy works for the USGS as a volcanologist is soliciting any friends with property in the Kapoho area to get a temporary instrument package placed there to monitor the EQ activity for a few months. This is a serious earthquake swarm indicating magma movement underground, and they’ve never seen one quite this large. Usual ‘harmonic tremors’ of lava movement are much smaller before an eruptive outflow. This has been a rather large deformation of the entire rift zone ridge and there could be an eruption out there anywhere… anytime.