Buygold 10:29
I don’t think you or I or too many of us here are to worried about that. Theirs still many of us that will give their life for their country so now they’re trying to weaken children. Now Boy Scouts are no longer Boy.. Scouts. With that you can see who the real Bigots are because there’s a difference between who you critize and WHAT you critize. That’s what shows the bigotry. If we criticize each other for something we did or didn’t do then that’s okay it’s a learning curve. But if we critize what a self secular group does were called bigots even though they can do it to us even if untrue. So where the learning curve? The sailors of the Liberty because she f it were victims of bigotry. Group think is the path of least resistance. Human nature appears to swing from one extreme to another. Before dictator Hitler who promised the moon in exchange for their souls like NWO doing now to groups, Jewish were sworn to peace which allowed them to be victimized my any warmonger nut that came along. After that it changed and this as human nature goes it swung from one extreme to the other extreme. Gov and power mongers have no middle ground. Thus you can’t compare the peaceful people of then to the current indoctrinated opposite extreme of today. The warmongers will apparently use the peaceful victims and hide the fact that they are no longer peaceful so you better not bring it up or your a bigot. No learning curve. Because you critize something someone did doesn’t cause separatism but they’re saying we don’t give a shit and your a bigot then does. The sailors of Liberty never got closure for their fallen because of it. Self fulfilling prophecy. The Gov won’t do anything for anyone else less they’re made to by the people. I really don’t believe that when they were forced to come out of peace and understably with a lot of anger it was meant to become a bully or war monger just like they were victimized. I don’t think that’s what God had in mind either, to play God.
I do know I’ve seen people that been through wars like a great uncle who went through WW1 and WW11 as a child he sacred me because you could see the state of war and effects from the chemicals he was exposed to but despite that he made sure to visit when I was in town.My mind was to young to handle what he went through and never brought it up.
My father in law Co Marines the same after Korea and Nam really had a hard time adjusting to life after a lifer finally retired. I saw how our own Gov gets us into things and it’s unbelievable or how son to be paid to teach arms in other countries.
War wasn’t meant to be a way of life IMO but as long as they’re companies that want to expand or leaders it will never end.
We should heed our Framers and stay out of it.
Half of Americans want communism?
What are they teaching our kids in school these days? The Bernie Sander’s effect on steroids?
Richard640, re: Zero Hedge
They still post some useful economic information, but otherwise the site is full of Pro-Russian, anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish propaganda. The site is owned by some guy in Bulgaria. It is best known for trafficking in conspiracy theories and misinformation. A lot of fools follow it and consider it gospel.
Easy money
Hundreds of thousands of dollars blowing in the wind…
Elliott–have u ever read the readers comments on Zero Hedge?
It is full of anti-joo venom–very vicious stuff…the King of Denmark, after WW2, was asked why his country had such a good record for saving joos…he said, “Unlike the Germans, we never had an inferiority complex regarding the Jews”
What, 20 million Joos in the world..and all that hatred focused on them..why its a world-wide obsession–.and most of the U.N agenda devoted to israel…are they so crafty? so brilliant? Wow! Why, doncha know, they control the other 7 billion inhabitants of this planet….har! har! Doncha love the new narrative: after having to fight 4 wars with 5 states surrounding them and calling for their annihilation, they are now the new Nazis…hilarious!
Here’s a news flash news for ya. Disagreeing with the policies of the Israeli government is not “hating Jews.”
Elliott @ 10:21
You HOPE you did NOT direct that at Me did you?? I consider Jews the smartest people on the planet. The dumbest? No comment. 🙂
Ipso, Goldie
Now we’re all racists. That didn’t take long did it? So typical.
“If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.”
Jews make up less than 2 percent of the US population and that number shrinks daily
Does that mean the other 98% are leaderless, stupid idiots? I think not. I think you Jew haters are bigots, consumed by hatred and intolerance. You carry on the philosophy that enabled all the great killers of Jews from the days Muhammad to the Spanish Inquisition to Nazi’s to the KKK. You must hate the fact that Israel exits today.
Big announcement by Mister know-it-all: Gold may have made a significant bottom-and this time the “hook” to shut out the majority may be the “strong dollar”
1st of all note the outrageous action of the past 3 days–one day gold is down $12 all day long yet PM stocks are bid to near unchanged and some green–then one day gold is down 2 bucks all day and silver is up 40 cents–then yesterdays good action on a supposedly “always down” FED day..
.I have talked about how hard it is to catch a gold bottom–who in the hell would have bought positions 3 days ago…? But…but…what about just jumping in today? Sure after the months of conditioning wherein we have seen every rally stuffed…also note the absence of any of the bad news gol bugs assume will provoke a raging bull mkt. all the rallies I remember just happen like this=for no reason a switch is turned on–and for approximately 20 or 22 days out of about 25, gold goes up every day…then just as mysteriously, the switch is flipped off…
O, yeah, another possible “hook”–most importantly-the chart s were all very bearish looking with downside breakouts on the HUI and other vehicles…
US was not a major ally excuse so go sink one of their ships and blame it on someone else. I had friends who went over there during that war. Things we’re harder then and one said she was taking baths in buckets of cold water but they loved being there. They were still Jewish Americans at that time. But Israel didn’t know too much about America right? My Grandfather a Lt Commander retired wasn’t to happy about it either. At the end of the day war only leads deaths and disabilities. During that time being very young I was taking care of a holocaust survivor they used for medical experiments. She barley survived and without her legs and her whole family was killed. I was the only one she talked to. No not even the Jewish doctors could talk to her. What they did then is use them to promote books or whatever, didn’t really care about them. This was the extreme of post traumatic syndrome. She deserved much more than she got. That’s what war brings. Now is Israel turning into the very thing that about destroyed them, warmongers and propagandist. Not much different than other NWO BS.
No Buygold who also knows the reality of war has much better things to do but you on the other hand seem to have plenty of time attacking non Jews. Sometimes you might make points or say partial points but it’s how you make them. You sound more like a Jewish mommy.
You can’t let the tail wag the dog!
ipso facto
And older friend who was in the Polish Army, once told me the USA is an Israeli colony. I never forgot that, because it sort of made sense. 🙂 Its also still a European colony.
Mobile phone cancer warning as malignant brain tumours double
Fresh fears have been raised over the role of mobile phones in brain cancer after new evidence revealed rates of a malignant type of tumour have doubled in the last two decades.
Charities and scientists have called on the Government to heed longstanding warnings about the dangers of radiation after a fresh analysis revealed a more “alarming” trend in cancers than previously thought.
Buygold re: USS Liberty
That incident is burned in the memory. If it was up to me Israel would never have gotten another dime in aid.
Never forget.
Certainly, since 1967, the USA stepped up and has provided the bulk of foreign Economic Growth
First the other nations from 1934 to 1971 stole half our Gold hoard at $35/oz. by redeeming US Dollars spent overseas for Gold. When gold was trading naturally at $140/oz. From 1917 to after 1967 the USA gave foreign military aid to numerous countries.
When the USA people finally revolted, and stopped our alleged gov’t from giving away our gold at rigged fixed artificially low prices in 1971, our foreign special interest US Gov’t proceeded to give away our jobs.
The foreign economic welfare (importing) started with Nixon and accelerated under Ron Reagon ’81-’89 until the crash in 2008, because they took too much, and have been in panic mode to replenish the health of the goose that lays golden eggs.
But the trade deficits and or foreign welfare continues. I smell recession coming.
Gold Train
Rebuilt Milwaukee 261 stepping out solo. Who needs diesel !
Cracks have appeared
…and not just in my head. Yes, Treefrog, Madame Pele the Volcano Goddess always gets the right of way! My volcanologist ham reports cracks have been found in the street at the end of Leilani subdivision (Which is Lava Zone 1 right on the rift summit) and also cracks in the road to Opihikao, which also crosses the rift. Cracks are several inches wide, but no heat nor gasses from the cracks, so they are not eruptive. Just stretch marks.
mm3- “Maya Roast”? LOL! I DO know where I’m a-gonna go when the volcano blows…. staying right here at home. I purposefully picked this area on the north side of the rift zone. That south shore area is historically dangerous.