U.S. democrats, media, FBI and intelligence services–the deep state–and their campaign to impeach Trump-how the dems got “uncle bernie” out of the race [in this case, thank G*D]….but do we hear Mueller called a “dirty Protestant”–do we hear Clapper referred to as a “dirty Methodist” etc etc…hell, no…but if a joo does wrong he’s a joo bastard
…as for why is anyone who criticises israel called an anti-semite…the problem is not the occasional criticism but the RELISH with which the criticism is imbued–and the non-stop criticism of Everything Israel does…the not letting it rest…the obsessional nature of the hatred…and NEVER a word of the many, many unique attrtibutes of Israel, the least of which is how happy Christians and other minorities are to be living there…the 22 or so Israeli companies listed on U.S. exchanges-their outreach to African nations and many others to improve their agriculture, drinking water and solar energy…and so on and so forth…do u want an anxiety focus–? Forget Israel–focus on the living hells areound the world like afganistan–the bombings-yemen-bombed out syria–numerous african antions–the drug cartel carnage in mexico–the slaughter in the streets of chicago-baltimore and many others–forget israel–there are plenty of other fine and dandy targets for your ANXIETY…NO? OK…LETS KILL ALL THE JEWS…..would para-dice on earth be ushered in? Don’t hold your breath…there is always a Boogey man to haunt your dreams
…you are 4 years old…u r out on the screened in porch on a balmy late May evening…u can hear the jack Benny program on the radio coming from the den where your parents are sitting after dinner…dad is reading the newspaper…mom is knitting…suddenly you spot him out in the yard standing in the shadows…you are frozen with fear…he is a short little man with a black top hat and a black opera cloak…his eyes are boring into your soul…in spite of your childish innocence you are aware of having seen real EVIL…you have just seen the Boogey Man…then you wake up from your dream….in later years you will never be surprised at the depth and savagery that dwell in the human soul..
Don’t u get it? Just look at Trump and CNN and Msnbc and all the other major networks…since the election, day in and day out, it’s non-stop criticism and character assassination…and they never talk about how he is transforming the environment for business so that it can thrive–eliminating regulations–his diplomacy etc etc….they have an unhealthy obsession with Trump because he is a politically incorrect, successful, billionaire outsider who is an offense and threat to the aspiring socialist movement in this country…very similar to how Isra-Hell is treated, wouldn’tja say?
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