Alt-Media totally misunderstands – and oftentimes deliberately misportays – President Putin’s relationship with Israel, which a reading of the official Kremlin website’s most relevant links indicates is a lot better than most people may think.
Alt-Media dogma indoctrinates its followers with the notion that it’s impossible for Russia and Israel to be on friendly terms with one another, let alone allies, because President Putin is supposedly on an “anti-Zionist crusade” to “save the world”, which isn’t true whatsoever. Many websites have popped up and fed into this delusional “wishful thinking” with outlandish headlines and false narratives in order to reap revenue from increased web traffic and the donations that they hope to solicit as a result.
When confronted with the facts, many people who have been exposed to Alt-Media dogma for too long of a time react with verbal violence as they writhe in the throes of cognitive dissonance, unable to countenance that everything that they thought they knew (or rather, were brainwashed to believe) was a lie. For the bulk of them, their binary thinking has made it impossible to accept that any person or country that “legitimizes” Israel can ever be praised for anything else that they may ever do, meaning that these folks consider it unacceptable to sympathize with anything that President Putin and Russia do anywhere else in the world for the simple fact that both of them are on exceptionally friendly terms with Alt-Media’s supposedly biggest foe.