I called him a Nazi because of his written words attacking Jews. So now you delete my post, censoring what he wrote, but illegal for me to re-post. This is the second time you have threatened to remove me. The first time I called a guy a “fool”…and I apologized for that. Yet I have been called names and vulgarities by several of your members….no such warning for them. I would call that a double standard. You want to keep your site small and limited to conspiracy theory people who insult anyone who disagrees with them. You want to protect your alt-right neo Nazi’s. Go ahead.
What a shame, as a bible believing Christian “Zionist” I’m very disappointed to see this otherwise fine site descend into pot shots by some against Jews or Zionism. If one believes that the bible is the word of God it is clear that He made promises that Israel would be restored to the land in the last days and that all nations would be arrayed against it and Satan would use all means to deceive. Even if one is not a bible believer it is obvious that Israel is surrounded by those who seek its total destruction and do not seek peace.
I used the term Zionist, you insisted in your typically delusional fashion that it was code for “Jews” so I went ahead and accommodated you.
“It is a lucky fact that only 2% of the US population is considered Jewish or else we would be in big trouble.”
Actually, it’s lucky for us in the US, that “Jews” are only 2% of the population, otherwise we’d all be Palestinians – we see what happens when “Jews” have complete control.
and of course, anyone that doesn’t agree with your stance on “Jews” is a Nazi. So typical.
If I were a Nazi, I would have thrown your dumb ass off this site and deleted your posts. Nope, I continue to stand up for your right to misguided free speech.
Deleted by ipso facto
Elliot if you don’t watch your insulting language then you aren’t going to be around much longer.
Mr Copper
Just fact is we have to start worrying about ourselves. We have China stealing technology by the billions.
Mexico and border issues stealing land, jobs, and money. Yes some workers are needed but that’s it less moving into others jobs mainly the young and construction. We have rest of the world as Armstrong mentioned about the bond crisis has turned OUR Fed into the world bank. Yellen wants to raise interest rates because pensions and SS going to go negative but Europe won’t let them so we have to again pay for their mismanagement as well. Trade is in the negative for us but at least Trump working on that. Politicians are for sale by lobbyists and who ever dangles money at them including banksters.
So this talk Doom and gloom if we lose dollar reserve is not a bad thing it will free up control of our own interest rates.
Thing is then housing. Interest rates go up housing goes down because it’s leveraged plus taxes and you can’t pick up and move it. All other tangables movable will go up, stocks, gold.
Armstrong is talking about a depression now with the bond bubble because most the money is in bonds both here and Europe and to stay in liquid assets like stocks and gold. He’s still maintaining gold can go to 5000 begrudgingly but won’t happen right away.
He said political turmoil will get worse by end of year I think or soon after.
Depression, guess I better get that garden started.
Silver Train
Canyoncito, and the SouthWest Chief
Volcano Today
Mr. Copper is right. Volcanoes of the world produce more air pollution than all of humankind. “Carbon Taxing” is just another global elitist scam to tax and control us all. Man couldn’t alter the climate if he wanted to. An old friend who moved to Canada years ago laughed at us in Honolulu, claiming the VOG was really just automobile pollution in the crowded city. I had to show him this research model… published with our local weather now:
This is how they track the SO2 from the volcano.
After two days inside the closed-up house running the A/C with smokey blue air outside, today the NE tradewinds returned and cleaned the air. Vog is going southwest offshore again. Lava eruptions from the fissures has become more liquid, free flowing, and USGS says this is the fresh lava that has drained down from the summit area. So we expect more flowage. Not much else is new. We wait… we watch… and if necessary we move out of the way. Just another day on the volcano.