Yes I know and like I said if they had more freedom got away from the brainwashing and fear they would run not walk. Those type are the most controlling because they know ” they” themselves would leave something like that if they could. That there would be a reason to leave them. The GREEN EYED MONSTER.
I’ve seen some Muslims prior to 911 living in a diverse state. They were different than these immigrants coming in that appears like Cuba where they opened up the jails and prisons and unleashed them on Florida years ago.
These first comers gave no one problems with everything insulting them, not planning attacks not even gang related but ME related. There was no problem with them, they were educated. They didn’t try to push their ideology on others.
United E or Saudis are not taking them don’t want the problems that come with it they claim. Half hearted tents unfilled.
They are worried about having only oil keeping them from going back to sheep herders and fisherman not that anything is wrong with that but economic related. They don’t want people same religion or not interfering with that.
They are trying to branch out to other things too divirsify. They’re now opening up to businesses going there.
Meanwhile even though they aren’t taking in all these immigrants they are offering to build Mosques in countries that are like Europe and probably Dearborn here in US. Is that another way of branching out lol
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