“This one is for you BuyGold. Just hoping ipso doesn’t censor me so Elliott’s agenda wins…”
You know how much the Admins like to deal with this shit? Not at all.
Re China To Import $200 Billion Of Our Food?? Why Not Toys, Picture Frames, And Ratchet Sets? Why Doesn’t China Import $200 Billion Worth Of Fords?
See how they throw us a bone? We always lose in trade. Food is important to us. China may drive up our food costs. The USA should not be exporting oil either. See how high oil is getting?
Muslim invasion of Europe
No doubt most of these people are economic refugees who are seeking a better way of life than they have in their own Muslim country. Most of them want jobs and to live in peace. Much like most of the illegals we have coming in from Mexico and Central America. However, the ISIS types are using this migration to sneak operative into the refugee stream and some small percentage of economic refugees become radicalized in their new countries to support or become terrorists. Likewise, some percentage of illegals from South of the border are MS13, drug smugglers, and other criminals. Others, will join one of the many Hispanic gangs and become criminals.
You know, there is no shortage of land in the Middle East, and if the refugees were taken care of by their Muslim brothers in the Middle East, there would be no need for them to come to Western nations. If the refugees stay in the ME, they would keep their culture, language, religion where it belongs. The Israelis have proven that you can convert any desert into farm-able land. If the huge wealth of the Arab nations were spent on people rather than luxury for royals, it would be better for all concerned. The same can be said for illegals and their home countries South of the border where you have the very rich and the very poor. Those governments use the USA as a relief valve for their economic oppression of their own people.
Todd Horwitz says gold held at the bottom and now is a time to be buying
If he is correct, gold price will be battling all day to rise up from current lows, down about $7.50
macroman, Staying on the attack against me I see, you may have Paranoid Personality Disorder,
(PPD) is one of a group of conditions called “Cluster A” personality disorders which involve odd or eccentric ways of thinking. People with PPD also suffer from paranoia, an unrelenting mistrust and suspicion of others, even when there is no reason to be suspicious.
This disorder usually begins by early adulthood and appears to be more common in men than in women.
Mkts have totally lost the plot, tks to the Rig.
Biggest news over weekend in Europe by far, is the new Italian government….sure some of it’s more extreme ideas, like immediate debt forgiveness have been dropped, but make no mistake, they are on a head on collision course with Brussels and the end of the EU/Euro is a lot closer.
There is no way that news is worth a 200 plus Dow point rally, a near 10 dollar drop in Gold and only a few ticks off the Euro, with rates near Unch.
I’d say the scum are crapping themselves, to intervene so heavily…but as R640 says, that info doesn’t pay the bills.
What is truly bizarre, is the very people who wear their ‘right on’ credentials most loudly, protect the Muzzies most loudly. Yet if the Muzzies ever took over they would be the 1st ones swinging from cranes, or flying off high rises.
Still all is not lost, the new Italian government is gonna deport 500,000 illegals/immigrants and the person in charge is the Interior Minister, who is Salvini the head of the Northern League….who campaigned on a non immigrant/repatriation policy. So he will have to deliver.
The jury is out, as to whether it is too late for Europe, but the worm is turning fast.
Goldilocks thinks that progress is being made
Because women can drive in one specific country. And I think you probably are referring to Saudi Arabia. Travel around and you’re going to find out that there’s still plenty of women that aren’t allowed to drive anywhere.
Busy tonight got side tracked.Point is besides being uncivilized, civilized countries EU EU USA CA and make them look bad. Maybe that’s why the army of people marching in are men. They know what they have to compete with so they fall back on their religion to justify being losers. That’s not to mention the totally ignorant who think their gonna get lucky then complain they can’t get a girlfriend so start assaulting women then again fall back on their religion that it’s okay because they’re not Muslim.
These people letting them in know but allow it anyways. People really need to speak up in groups because they will single out individuals.
I hate to see what’s going on over there.
Even if they get jobs going in ME which is good as far as progress but the ancient barbaric ideology of their leaders is still there since they blend it with politics. They would have a hard time changing it without protests. Arabs have made some progress for peace and tolerance and now women can drive. Still they okayed the fact that a man can still kill and eat his wife if he’s really hungry. Not so civilized. Why women would even want to get married amazes me less no other options because limitations on their freedoms. Probably because they know if they gave them more freedom they’d leave these losers who would kill them to eat and run from their crazy barbaric abusing men.
Maybe that would be depressing on clothes. Maybe make signs or stickers you can put on you car instead. Been to Hawaii, picture of volcano with plume, it was a gas.
Does “diversity” mean having uncivilized people wreck your country?
It sure does…and always remember to say thankyou as you prostrate yourself.
Not to generate a buy symbol, !! on top of that we have to watch out for months they expect a announcement of interest rate hike. However so far they rebound from that shortly after because it’s going so slowly because were ” the Fed” are the world bank now.
Lol on life’s a gas. You know what make some Hawaii volcano tea shirts with that quote on it.
Heard about the dangers when it hit the ocean, glad your home is out of range hopefully. Glad you have a bug out place to go.
I do hope they can develope long term temporary housing for all the evacuees since they don’t know how long this is going to go on plus all the people that have lost their homes. Be it housing vougers for a year or trailers or both. Something!!!
Well I’ll be darned, not my imitation there’s gold control freaks out there.
This is a comment from one of Armstrongs posts on timing. Now that it’s out will probably get more volatile. That doesn’t mean all gold stocks will head down, some are just chugging along. Kirkland kL for instance doing really good, pullbacks but never looked back.
Armstrong resistance right on or about most GBs but what he said after.
Take gold. Here too the line the model drew was 1362 on a monthly level and 1341 on a quarterly. Gold would crash at the end of every quarter to avoid a buy signal. Likewise, it just could not get through the 1362 number. This also confirmed the position with the dollar that was reflected in the Euro.
The Fuming Volcano
The lower Puna area around Kalapana & Seaview estates has become unlivable with dangerous air quality. USGS and civil defense says that Sulfur Dioxide output from the eruption has TRIPLED with the new lava outbreak. And now with the ocean entry of lava we have a new airborne hazard called “Laze”… Lava Haze. As the hot lava enters the ocean the steam plume contains Hydrochloric Acid (from the decomposed seawater) and fine volcanic glass particles… a recipe to shred your lungs if you breathe it.
With the tradewinds blowing most of the Vog & Laze southwest along the shoreline, the downwind communities are almost unlivable now. Many residents have ‘bugged out’ because they cannot breathe.
I’m not looking forward to a wind reversal coming from the south. I don’t think the Laze will be a problem at my distance, but the increased SO2 from the fountaining vents will still be intense if they waft over my home. Masks ready. We also have a place to retreat to a family home in Hilo town, 20 miles further north, as needed.
Life on the volcano…. It’s a Gas!
Better watch out we have quite a few possible Khans trying to get into politics here in different states. Canada already having issues and their PM is a total we’ll the kind where the victim will find its perpetrator type guy. I think these type never had much diversity in their lives so are totally naieve about it “like they have something to prove.” However they will never invite them to their homes. They need to get a clue, if you wouldn’t invite them into your home don’t invite them into your country and put them next to other people homes.
I heard about how they will attack people poison water over their because they don’t like bikinis.
That PM is going to invite jihadist in and offer to rehabilitate them.
Does he bother to even ask the citizens of Canada if they’re okay with that?
UK, they forgot to mention all the acid attacks as well.
Maddog @ 1:38
“London” What a friggin tragedy that is! A sad disaster.
Does “diversity” mean having uncivilized people wreck your country?
Agree truly unreal.
ipso facto
Re London
That is the same Kahn that wants to lecture the Donald about the benefits of Diversity……and some are saying that he has turned London into a shithole and not many are disagreeing.